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Practical implications of luni-solar new years

Image Courtesy: The author's self-illustrative selfie! Check out the triple eyes closely!!!

Practical implications of luni-solar new years

yugādi, viśu, varśa pirappu, baiśāki, gudi padwa, sajibu nongma panba, cheiraoba, rongali bihu, navreh, cheti chānd, mésādi etc.

7 min Read (564 Words)
The year beginning today/tomorrow is called plava nāma samvatsarā & in this article, we discuss its significance as well as that of the 60-year calendar system.

Over time, the New Years <yug-ādi & varśa-pirappu, call it what you may!> have inadvertently & unfortunately been associated with specific regions & mother tongues, when in fact they’re ALL of universal significance to ALL of us. In fact, these New Years are objectively scientific, unlike the subjectively arbitrary Gregorian one on Jan 1 or the Julian NY a fortnight behind it or the Fools’ NY  on Apr 1! Our cool 😎 luni-solar New Years, on the other hand, have a direct astronomical correlation, far outdating not only all of our currently demarcated regions & languages, but also the very dawn of humanity itself on planet Earth 🌏! Yes, our natural celestial calendar systems precede the advent of the species called homo sapiens. 

“May you be drowned!” isn’t always a curse. In fact, it can be the best undisguised blessing you’ve ever had! Indeed, may knowledge <jñānā> overflow your path, may you be flooded in wisdom <vi-jñānā> & may you drown in the paramount experiential science of spirituality <ātma-anu-bhūti> is an apt wish for the plava year beginning today & tomorrow for our minds & soul (sic; notice the plural & singular used intentionally!), respectively. 

In the 60-yr cycle of our eternal nature <sanātana dharmā>, this particular year 2021-22 dawning upon our minds today <chāndramāna yugādi> & upon ourSelf tomorrow <souramāna yugādi> is termed as a flood <plavā> to signify the impending proximity of the Sun ☀️, Jupiter 🟤& Saturn 🪐 in & around the sanctified Aquarian ♒️ water 💧 pot 🏺of fulfillment <kumbhā>. 

We’ve just recognized how plava is but one year in the 60-yr cycle. But, why 60?! Well, it just happens to be the least common multiple (LCM) of 1, 12 & 30. The automatic follow-up question is why choose these specific numbers, 1, 12 & 30. Well, they happen to be the duration in years, respectively, of the cyclic nature of 

1. ourSelf (the ātmā🌻centered@ajñā, sensed/diagnosed externally by its mapping to the sun 🌞); 

2. our spiritual wisdom (our guru💡 @svādhiśthānā, sensed/diagnosed externally by its mapping to Jupiter🟤); & 

3. our patient perseverance (our potential energy@mūlādhārā, sensed/diagnosed externally by its mapping to Saturn🪐). 

In this context, it should be noted that the frequency of the “Great Conjunction” of Saturn 🪐 & Jupiter 🟤 is once in 20 yrs. Very interestingly, if we include the number 20 also in our earlier set of 3 numbers (1, 12 & 30), their LCM remains unaltered at 60! So two other such soul-guru-PE conjunctions happen in the 60-yr period, but neither of them are in the vicinity of our fullness <pūrna kumbhā>. 

Hence, the unique & specific once-in-60-yrs luni-solar new year dawning upon us today & tomorrow <plava nāma samvatsarā> unleashes upon us a ripened possibility to eternally swim in the only truly infinity pool that there is here & now. 

Welcome to the supreme school of nature for a full-on workshop on the practical & existential truth of conscious bliss <sat-chit-ānandā>, 2021-22! sūryah śouryam 🌞 🌚 athéndur uchhapadhavīm |

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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