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Ōṇaṃ: U-turns aplenty this fortnight!

Image Courtesy: Mini-Sadya offering from Smt. Narena Dinesh Kumar

Ōṇaṃ: U-turns aplenty this fortnight!

Why was a ‘noble king 🤴 punished?’

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17 min Read (1412 Words)
A very close acquaintance of mine, a major part of whose life has been devoted to the service of Keralā & Keralites asked me during our ōṇaṃ 🎊 celebrations 🎉 last year a question foremost in the minds of many who celebrate ōṇaṃ "Bali was such a great king. He cared for his people & ruled well. Why did Vāmanā kill Bali?" Read on to find out why?!!!

In my state of spiritual evolution then, I had responded, “Well, Vāmanā never 'killed' Bali but merely revealed to him his (Bali's own) true identity & his right place. Vāmanā transformed Bali from the mortal to the immortal. These are more significantly allegorical rather than historical. We had a great story-telling tradition to convey the most complicated concepts of life in an easily comprehensible & memorable way.”

Observing the questioner’s keen inquisitiveness & sincere seeking, I had continued “So, apart from its evolutionary & historic factuality, this whole story actually happens within everyone of us everyday, nay every moment. Bali Chakravarthy signifies our false identification with our sharp intellect, which is indeed capable of fantastic achievements, like those of the great king Bali, yet finite.”

Appreciating the questioner’s sustained interest, I summarised “Unless our true identity emerges from its finite insignificance <Bali> to the infinitely significant <Tri-vikramā>, we will be thoroughly satisfied & even exaggeratedly raving about our merely finite achievements. This is represented by Vāmanā becoming Tri-vikrama to show Bali Chakravarthy his true place. Our body, mind & intellect, all have their wonderful significance as long as they last & should be given utmost understanding & care, but we should not get lost in them alone, as the significance of our true nature is incomparably greater.”

Earlier this month, we had seen how Lakshmī tied a rākhī sutrā to Bali Chakravarthy in pātāla lokā, persuading him to request her benevolent husband Nārāyanā who had Himself decided to stay with His righteous devotee Bali, in the form of a dwarf <Vāmana-avatārā> along with Bali’s doorkeepers <dwāra-pālakās>, even without Bali’s knowledge. Such was the love of Vāmanā for Bali Chakravarthy who in turn enabled the reunion of our everythingness with its own power of prosperity. 

A couple of months back, we had explored our own 4th avatar as dwarfed humanitarianism <Vāmanā>, close to divinity <Upa-Indrā>, yet all-inclusive & freely-expansive <Tri-vikramā> to put back in place our own aggressively-overwhelming impersonification <aham-kāra> or false identities, symbolised by the proportional gain ‘P’ <Bali-chakravarti> in our robotic PID controller. 

Thus, Tiruvōṇaṃ today doesn’t happen in isolation. It was preceded by a weeklong set of August reminders to turn back inwards to our source:

  1. Beginning with a penance 🧘‍♀️ of golden fairness <Swarna-Gowri vratā> on the 21st;
  2. Lording over all quarters of finitude <Ganeśa chaturti> on the 22nd;
  3. Perceiving <ऋषि> beyond the 5️⃣ elements <ṛṣi panchami> on the 23rd. I’ll get back to you on this with a yet-to-be-made video, as we conducted a rare ṛṣi homā at home on this special occasion, expressing gratitude to all seers over the ages, accelerating our life journey <yātrā> to liberation <mokśa>, occurring immediately after Ganeśa chaturti every year;
  4. Reincarnating our reinforced soul <Bala-rāma jayanti> highlighting the quintet spectrum of our own hexaploid <Pancha-ranga šašti> chromosome on the 24th;
  5. Decorating ourselves with a blemishless <nir-doša> but yet-to-be-liberated jewel 💎 <a-muktā-ābharana> designated as a  heptameter <saptami> on the 25th;
  6. Recognising our inherent nature & capacity to reverse our gushing flow from the source <dhā-rā> back to the source <Rā-dhā jayanti>, tickled by as little as a grassy blade of an octave <dūrvā-ashtami> on the 26th;
  7. Resurrecting ourselves from drowning in purely materialistic pursuits <Jyeshthā-Lakshmī vratā> to begin a week of truthful storytelling & listening to the eulogised sport of divinity  <bhāgavata saptāha> on the 27th;
  8. Relegating entirely from the noisy decibels of materialistic pursuits <Jyeshthā-Lakshmī visarjanā>, yet relishing the tenfold aroma 👃 <Su-gandha dashami> of Mother Earth 🌏 on the 28th;
  9. Dwarfing ourselves <Vāmana jayanti> to showcase the human potency of tight packing the universal spirit in a nutshell 🥜 day before y’day, on the 29th, responsible & prerequisite for today’s Tiruvōṇaṃ! It also happened to be parivartana ekadaśi, the day on which our own slumbering everythingness turns around rolling on its bed 🛏 of Ādi 1️⃣ ananta ♾ seshā 0️⃣, switching the direction of grace in dream-views;
  10. Reuniting the apparent femininity & masculinity within us into their holistic reality <Rāhu-Kālam Ravi pra-došam> y’day, the 30th.

JaiHind folks! It’s thus been a week of circles ⭕️ ⭕️ ⭕️. Amongst the innumerable beauties of this unique geometry is either that 

  1. there’s neither a starting point nor an ending point to a circle ⭕️; OR
  2. every point on the circle is simultaneously a starting & ending point!

If you take the first of the above 2️⃣ routes, the only solution is to approach our center in the limit of the circle’s radius tending to 0️⃣. Then the circle ⭕️ degenerates to a point, which is pointless, without a footprint, becoming its own starting & ending point! This inward journey towards being centred is our surefire path towards nothingness <Śi-vā>. 

On the other hand 🤚, or rather leg 🦵, if you take the second of the above 2️⃣ routes, the only solution is to unlimitedly expand our periphery in the limit of the circle’s radius tending to ♾. Then the center of the infinite ♾ circle ⭕️ is every point within it. Essentially, the center loses its very identity, which is meaningless, with its footprint all over! This inward journey from an ♾ ⭕️ towards all-inclusivity is our surefire path towards everythingness <Viśnu>. 

Leave alone classical Malayalam/Thamizh, even in ancient Hebrew, ōṇaṃ refers to something of immensity, both in terms of human potential & challenges! Let the amazing benefits of sacrifice taught in various ages & contexts by examples such as Bali Chakravarthy, Vāman-avatār, Jesus Christ & A/Ibrahim inspire us to contribute our might to the well being of all around us. 

This year, it was Good Friday wishes on April 10th, عید الاضحی مبارک (Eid-al-adha mubarak) on the last day of July & ōṇaṃ āśamsaka on the last day of August today, but the message from all these 3️⃣ festivals remains the same: the immense joys of sacrifice! May we realise that true joy is not only in sharing, but living in true gratitude for what has already been shared with us, & that’s even more immense than anything that we could ever give. 

Most importantly, let's not become mere pawns in the hands of those who want to perpetuate colonial 'divide & rule' policies forever. Victory to true knowledge. Unless we recognise that we ourselves are nothing but embodiments of love, we can't love ‘anyone else’ truly. Unless we can take care of ourselves, we will soon be incapable of taking care of others. Even a 👶🏻 newborn's 🤰🏻 mother needs to eat well if she needs to feed 🤱 her baby well. Proper upkeep of our toolset 🧰 of body, mind & intellect is the natural prerequisite to enhance our ability to sacrifice. 

May the great Bali Chakravarthy inherent in everyone of us recognise (even more deeply than we ever have so far) on this Tiruvōṇaṁ the oneness of the insignificant 0️⃣ represented by Vāmanā (whose jayanti as Upendrā was day before yesterday) & the infinitely significant symbolised by Tri-vikramā, as well as everything in between (the non-zero finite) demonstrated annually by the inimitable Bali Chakravarthy returning within us, despite our theoretical knowledge. 

BTW, all of what I share from the depths of my heart in these series of posts is the universal wisdom perceived by many seers in every age. I recognise myself as just a medium conveying the wisdom that already belongs to you back to you. Terā tujko arpan. The great seers who have inspired me continue to communicate through me. Entaro-maha-anubhavulu. Andhariki-ma-vandanamu!

ഒരു സന്തോഷകരമായ ഓണം ആശംസകൾ <oru santōṣa-kara-māya ōṇaṁ āśamsakaḷ> (Wishes for a joyous ōṇaṃ)

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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    Ajay Kumar Tamrakar

    8th December, 2022 08:39

    Wonderful Sir.

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    Asha Raghavan

    5th September, 2020 10:04

    The article majoring on onam, thou have also encapsulated and showcased other religious events that occured over the week..nice Isnt it that Bali was becoming arrogant and invincible, had to be curbed, hence the Vaamana Avataara.? Even when Bali told Vaamana to put His 3rd step on his( Bali's ) head, he meant that Vaamana had measured all the 3 lokas leaving alone that space where Bali stood!..that seems to be the paradox. Well , this is the story that I have listened to and thou has given dimension to it by relating Bali to ego which was slashed by Vaamana.

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    Srinivasan A.V

    11th May, 2024 20:19

    September 2020 is just born and my belated Onam greetings to everyone. Though the MTBP(Mean Time Between Posts) is a bit long, you have bounced back tremendously with vigour on this festive Onam day.Your beautiful outpourings on King Bali, Vamana, Tirvonam ending with circle-theory, are impressive and enlightening. Your delightful words and delicious Onam recipes in front of you have filled my spiritual appetite. Keep posting more and more!

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    Krishan Kumar

    28th February, 2022 21:07

    Novel and deep meaning of Onam to most of us who are not from Kerala but enjoyed only sadhyas every year . Culture rich and diversity makes this festival a rejuvenating and now with full explanation it makes logical also. Thanks sir.

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    Pramay Bhatpahri

    2nd October, 2020 22:50

    Beautifully explained Sir. 🙏🙏🙏

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    nanjappa hebbale

    1st September, 2020 17:39

    A wonderful spiritual journey through story telling from a truly knowledgeable Master

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    Deepti Tamrakar

    1st September, 2020 21:35

    The festivals are explained amazingly. A journey beyond expectations. Thanks Sir.

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    viv bab

    28th June, 2023 12:22

    Enjoyed reading about Bali Maharaja, one of great Mahajana out of 12 🙏🙏🙏

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