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What unpredictable China doesn’t realise: The five-fold symbolism of nothingness!

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What unpredictable China doesn’t realise: The five-fold symbolism of nothingness!

8 min Read (639 Words)

It’s just my simple ongoing seva to identify & share the dominant Eigenmode(s) of the day with you so that we can all access & effortlessly resonate with these energetic modes! If these possibilities intrigue you, you've arrived at the right place! #SyPforSDHN presents #ResonateWithEigenModeOfTheDay June 19th, 2020.

Y’day’s dusk of stoic & STOIC (case matters here, check out the lexicon!) timely troubleshooting <Nandi’s pradosham> leads on to today’s monthly night of nothingness <Maasa Shi-va-ratri>, apart from valiantly raising our precariously reborn warrior spirit <Krithika nakshatra> towards our presently perceived foes, few external & mostly internal, irrespective of whether we’re talking about ourselves or our nation 🇮🇳, pun intended, yet guarded!

It’s also the age-old anniversary of consecrating the eternal five-fold symbolism of that which is not <pancha-linga-eswara> at the verdantly beautiful valley of li’l rural Bayaru, cutely juxtaposed in a treasured pond <Kasargod> between the states of culture <Karnataka> & mountaneous declivity <Kerala>, etymological pun intended again, but unguarded!!

The number five might ring our memory bells as we recollect the 5 x five-fold principle components which we’re relishing part-by-part both in our lives & in my posts, past & present:

  1. five gross/subtle elements/phases of energy/matter;
  2. our five sensors;
  3. our five actuators; &
  4. our PID controller, consisting of mind-intellect-identity <manoh-buddhi-ahankara>, in an environment <prakriti> powered by an individualised spirit <jivatma> or the supreme expressed in the field <kshetra purusha>.

The five corresponding re-creative symbols of nothingness, ordered from the grossest to the subtlest, are as follows:

  1. Sadyo-jaatha, conceived of earth🌏, through our mind, manifesting as our nose👃, used for smelling, & expressing as reproduction through our genitals;
  2. Vaama-deva, conceived of water💧, through our assumed identity, manifesting as our tongue 👅, used for tasting, & expressing as excretion through our anus;
  3. Aghora, conceived of fire🔥, through our intellect, manifesting as our triple eyes👀👁, used for seeing form, & expressing as motion through our dual feet🦶;
  4. Tat-purusha conceived of air 💨 🌬, through our nature, manifesting as our skin, used for touching objects, & expressing as work through our hands 🖐🤚; &
  5. Eeshana conceived of space, through our atma, manifesting as our dual ears 👂, used for hearing sound, & expressing as communication through our speech.

Recognize the intricate appreciation of both inner & outer aspects &, most importantly, the 1:1 mapping between them. Thus, “Aatma-nirbhar Bha-ra-ta 🇮🇳” & “Make in India🇮🇳” aren’t mere sloganeering. It’s this SELF-sufficient time immemorial culture of creative bha-va, ra-ga & ta-la which created “God!” & exported various versions all over the world 🗺. Yes, God was “Made in India🇮🇳” & we continue to remake Him, Her & It, to our whim, here & now with “Make in India!”

Bharatiya🇮🇳 karuna then or Chinese🇨🇳 corona now, whoever imagined the task to ask folks to mask 😷 & bask would be so tough?! We seem to be in too much of a hurry to reveal who we imagine 🤔 we are, revolting with who we really are!

Irrespective of what we may be occupied with, may we keep chanting with every breath, the five-syllabled <pancha-akshari> mind-protective <man-tra> sound, <🕉 na-ma-shi-va-ya> which in my dynamic vocab-of-the-moment translates to “the triple functionality of cycling, pedaling & recycling life <A-U-M> isn’t <na> mine <ma-ma> but that of nothingness <shi-va-ya>!” Beware China, back off & wake up to existential reality...

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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