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Spirituality - A Meaningful Discussion

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Spirituality - A Meaningful Discussion

அகர முதல எழுத்தெல்லாம் ஆதி
பகவன் முதற்றே உலகு.
As the letter A is the first of all letters,
So the eternal God is first in the world!

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24 min Read (2027 Words)
Srinivasan A.V Spiritual Follower & Writer
Hare Rama! Hare Krishna! My humble Vanakkam and Namaskaram to everyone! What an honor for me to present this first post on this historic day when the glory of our spiritual India is rightfully restored at Ayodhya. I have been tremendously impressed by the spiritual outpourings of Prof Dr Dineshkumar Harursampath in the social media. Adding a feather to his cap, he has now created this unique spiritual website. I am grateful to him for giving me this august opportunity to pen my thoughts in this very first guest-post. I wish Dr Dinesh and his dedicated team for making things happen in this ever-growing digital media. May God be with them in this digital spiritual journey that helps to enlighten the global community. This write up is dedicated to those spiritual seekers who want a better life and a better world for themselves and their children. Last but not least, though these words are from me, I believe that it is the Supreme Power that is filling me with the right words and thoughts that fill this page. A.V. Srinivasan

I wish to present my first guest post differently. As I always love to converse with people about spirituality, I thought I could make my write up based on some spiritual conversations I have had in the past. Some are based on some common queries that come to the mind of a young Spiritual Seeker (SS). While going through this post, typically I want to frame a path that can help readers to gain some insights and drop some wrong notions that could be in the minds of spiritual seekers of today. 

Given below are a Baker’s Dozen of such questions - though not a popular number, this list of 13 in unconventional style can help clear the air about spirituality. These are purely my thoughts and I would love to know what you as readers think about it. I would love to read your comments and valuable feedback on the same. 


The Spiritual Discussion Begins


SS: Why choose this as a topic of discussion?

Me: When we mention the word ‘spirituality’, most people assume that it is not meant for young adults. Hence there is need to explain some facts to the entire population as a whole. The term ‘spirituality’ plays a significant part in our daily life. While some of you are well aware of this, many others are still searching its inner meaning. There is a common misconception that spiritual life is for the ‘retired’ and hence can only be pursued once you are free from worldly responsibilities. Some in the younger generation even look at spirituality as a taboo, only to be touched when they hit their retirement age. They perceive spirituality as being full of psychological promises without even reading a single line from spiritual teachings. I humbly differ with such opinion as I feel spirituality is meant to be practiced in simple forms in everyday life. 


SS: What is the right age to practice spirituality?

Me: Many of our sacred scriptures advocate not the ‘right age’ but the ‘right stage’ to practice spirituality in one’s life. If a life span of a person is around one hundred years, the first two-quarters of stages will be spent on studying and earning, respectively. The third stage can be devoted to practicing spirituality. When practiced in moderation and at every stage, it can offer more than just contentment. If one fails to follow as mentioned in all the three stages, there is no relevance in doing it at the fourth-stage. The aspect of spirituality is something which may intrigue us at any stage, otherwise not at all. In my opinion, the day you start questioning about spirituality seems to be the right day for you to begin your quest.


SS: What is the precise definition of spirituality?

Me: As we see, the above question has different answers. Also, the answer depends on who we ask as the term spirituality is perceived differently by different people. Hence, there is no single and widely accepted definition of spirituality. For ordinary people, spirituality implies the quality of being related to the human spirit or soul as opposed to material things. Spirituality according to me is not about devotion to one particular God though that is a common perception. It ultimately aims to see the oneness of everything. Not that everything is the same, but the power that touches, connects and combines them all.


SS: Why is spiritual practice vital to us?

Me: As a human being, we need to find happiness in all our worldly pursuits. This basic need is common for everyone regardless of religion, gender, status, etc. Spiritual and psychology research states that people feel happiness only 20% of their time. The high percentage of unhappiness occurs due to problems in life. However, many of us are not aware of the fact that the root cause of such unhappiness is not only physical and psychological but also spiritual. Spirituality practices reduce such unhappiness and make us live a happy life.


SS: More often, spirituality refers to ‘Self ’- Can you elaborate?

Me: Most of our scriptures are written to cast away our ignorance and make us understand the purpose of life or true knowledge. It is tough for everyone to stay away from the world in which we are born. That is why spiritual leaders often insist on the underlying truth of self, which is eternal and hence the worldly existence. This truth is kept concealed under many layers of worldly attractions. Spiritual practices play a role in unearthing this very Truth. Even a small effort such as quietening our mind is capable of offering glimpses of higher truths.


SS: Why spirituality urges us to detach ourselves from worldly life?

Me: A detached umbilical cord makes every a newborn cry. The child cries due to separation from the warmth of the mother’s body to a cold and strange environment that it cannot understand. Hence, at first, the child seeks comfort in the mother and gets attached to her fragrance, her caring touch, her loving voice, etc. Slowly, the child’s attachment extends to its father and other members of the family.

As the years roll by, these attachments grow strong that we as an adult get entangled in them, forgetting our real Self. If not controlled such attachments which are meant to create comfort and happiness become the cause of pain. It is here; the aspect of spirituality steps in to show the path of understanding the Self.


SS: More often, we see spiritual leaders use mathematical signs like 0 & 1, Infinite and so on. Can you explain why?

Me: Yes, it is right. It is evident now that spirituality is a science as well as an art. Also, such words can be interpreted in many ways as they combine to form various meanings.

Remember a chain of various numbers of ‘dots’ in telegraphy, 0-1 binary language used in computers carry a different meaning when used in multiple combinations.

Zero or Sunya represent emptiness, a condition that our mind needs to practice all spiritual activities effectively. Meditation calms our mind to attain the zero state. Hence 0 has a deeper connection with spirituality. One or 1 represents the oneness of every soul. 

Infinite indicates that our soul exists forever. Also, it is an easy term to conceptualize God. Spirituality itself is Infinity. In spiritual perception, the Infinity is a Zero with a twist. 

In the realm of spirituality, infinity is not perceived as a large number but denotes the endlessness of our universe. We are just reflections of the infinity with different expressions of the same being.


SS: What are the paths a seeker needs to follow to know the Self or God?

Me: There are various generic paths available, which are designed to suit the temperament and personality of the spiritual seeker. Some of the crucial paths include devotion, chanting, singing, dancing, ritualistic worship, worshipping work, visiting holy places, meditation and so on. To sustain any path, the seeker should not have many personality defects.


SS: How to practice spirituality in our daily life?

Me: Practicing spirituality in our daily life is a great thing. There are innumerable ways available for spiritual seekers. Here are a few ways that can be included in your daily spiritual plan:

Be with yourself: Say ‘It is my time’ and make use of this ‘me time’. It allows you to step and dive deep into yourself and the questions that are hidden inside of you. 

Read good books: Cultivate the habit of reading good books and about spiritual matters. This practice, when followed religiously, goes a long way for the seekers to understand spirituality in a shorter time. Spend at least ten minutes a day reading such good books. 

Meditate: This is a tested practice of controlling your mind as well as your body. Spending thirty minutes in the early hours of the day can enhance both your physical and mental health. Doing physical exercise and walking are the other options. 

Practice mindfulness: Concentrating on the task you do refers to mindfulness. Being mindful helps you cleanse your mind. Cleansing the mind takes time, like cleaning the ink bottle. The hard stains remain but eventually, if you are persistent you can shake it off. 

Prayer: Never miss your daily prayer time. It is a hotline to God. Pray unconditionally in silence.

Experience nature: Exploring nature is one of the essential things in spiritual practice. Visit parks, enjoy beautiful flowers, admire the sunrise or sunset or just gaze at an endless water mass or the star-filled night sky - it all helps.


SS: How spirituality differs from religion?

Me: Often 'religion' and 'spirituality' have been mistaken to be the same thing. But actually, they are two sides of the same coin. Religion came into being to guide the path to infinity. 

Religion instructs us to learn from the experience of others, while spirituality urges us to seek our Self. 

Religion demands faith from the teachings; Spirituality demands truth beyond faith and thought process.

Spirituality opens its doors to all seekers, including an atheist, who is considered to be spiritual when he is completely humane. 

However, the religion as we see today is far from the one it should be.

In simple terms; Religion is Man-Made, while Spirituality is God-Made.


SS: Does a seeker need a spiritual teacher?

Me: Perfect spiritual practices require specific spiritual techniques which ensure higher growth. With a teacher or Guru, such practices become easier for seekers. Many seekers stagnate or even give up spirituality due to lack of proper spiritual guidance. However, choosing the teacher makes all the difference.


SS:  What is your advice to the young spiritual seekers?

Me: I am not a spiritual leader to answer this question. However, I happily welcome young spiritual seekers. By perfect practice and guidance, they can elevate themselves to a higher plane of Godly experience. They need to come out of their comfort zone and start questioning everything they hear about spiritual science. The path of spiritual growth is never-ending; hence one needs to have the ‘will-power and not necessarily just high-intellect. Also, it is wise to have a Guru to support your efforts. 


SS: Will spirituality and its learning exist forever?  

 Me: Yes, there is no iota of doubt about the existence of spirituality in human life. Though we live in a dominating materialist world, spirituality has its place and it is essential to offer the right balance to life as we know it. It will exist until the last perishable body survives to convey the meaning of life.

Spirituality has no end. That’s why it is linked to infinity, the vastness, the expanse, etc. Spiritual learning is an experience, something like breathing - you keep doing it till the end. 

It is important to keep learning, keep growing, keep maturing, keep living, keep experiencing and keep going……    


Discussion Ends


About The Author

The author A.V.Srinivasan a retired CEO with electronics background and is a spiritual follower. He has written many articles to various forums on spirituality and is inspired by many spiritual awakening books. He is currently an active and senior freelance content writer for various SEO companies. The main stream of his writing is spirituality, travel, health care, technology, HR and so on.

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  • Image

    viv bab

    28th June, 2023 12:22

    An excellent write up for any individual as this, it throws the light on why when what about spirituality. This reminds me of the verse from Srimad Bhagavatam: "kaumāra ācaret prājño dharmān bhāgavatān iha durlabhaṁ mānuṣaṁ janma tad apy adhruvam arthadam".

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    Priya V Kumar

    22nd August, 2020 17:33

    The author Sri.A.V.Srinivasan has inspired about the word Spirituality in detail and described in a simple manner for the readers to benefit. The spirutalty seekers are bound to develop faith and attachment to spirituality. My humble thanks to A.V.Srinivasan who started with the first post on this auspicious day of laying foundation for Sri Ram at Ayodhya.🙇‍♀️

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    Ajay Kumar Tamrakar

    8th December, 2022 08:39

    Spirituality explained simply. Difficult questions answered so easily. Wonderful discussion, stepping ahead one by one with due inquisitiveness to readers. A must read article on this platform. 🙏🌺🌹💐

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    Asha Raghavan

    5th September, 2020 10:04

    Simple and lucid. Enlightening ! Thank you very much sir.

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    sankya shanmugam

    26th December, 2020 10:17

    V true about early inception of spirituality ,I think first guru for an person would be his or her own mother as she can inculcate spirituality as early as one can imagine

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    arun thiagarajan

    5th August, 2020 18:16

    Thanka for making spirituality simple.As a spiritual seeker some of your answers opened up some insights like quietening our mind to get the glimpes of truth/ Differentiate Religion and Spirituality.As you mentioned cleansing the mind takes time not easy and the article provided another path to the same.

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    anu srinivas

    6th August, 2020 07:39

    Sir, very nice and true . Explained the simple form of spirituality like admiring nature's gift, realising the blessings given by God and mindfulness in doing anything . Keep writing ...

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    Muralidharan Nair

    6th August, 2020 12:18

    Sir, it was an enlightening insight and well explained glimpses of spirituality. Thank you so much.

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    Dilip Kumar Soni

    8th August, 2020 11:20

    आध्यात्मिकता को सरल से सरल शब्दों में व्याख्या करने के लिए लेखक को ह्रदय से धन्यवाद।,🙏

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    Kunal Bavikar

    7th August, 2020 12:19

    Very well written sir! Loved reading it!

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    Parthasarthy Anandakumar

    9th September, 2020 13:51

    Author A.V.Srinivasan penned about spirituality in simple understandable language. It enlightens everyone about spirituality and practice in daily life. God bless him for publishing the same on Sri Ramjanmabhomi foundation day in Katham in unique spiritual website

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    Namas Chandra

    10th August, 2020 02:21

    I very much like the posting by AVS in the form of Q&A. The questions are probing and answers fitting. Thank you very much. Though very complete, as a long time spiritual seeker, I have added some of my thoughts to add color to AVS. On Q 1-3, my thoughts align with AVS. Spirituality is the realization of the ultimate truth about life, and oneness of the universe. Hindu Philosophy calls this non-dualism. The earlier, longer and often you pursue seeking this knowledge the better you are in unveiling the truth. On the question of spirituality and Self: Not only Self is eternal, but universal and accessible to all the seekers. The truth is unique and arrived through conjecture, contemplation, deliberation and realization. There is one and only one universal truth-there is no Hindu truth, Christian truth, atheists truth, just universal truth. One can call this as "Self", or 'Brahman", or "God", or just "Truth". On the path available to spiritual seeker, apart from the religious path (Bhakti), seeking knowledge (Gnana) Marg comse to mind. We can think of distinguishing spiritualism, religion and adding science to that mix. While all the three seek truth, spiritualism approaches through inquiry, religion through God and science through hypothesis driven experiments. Science further provides specific investigative tools to examine questions, explore facts and formulate theories; spiritualism takes the other route and religion expounds truth directly skipping the intermediate steps. At the end of the day, as Humans we all seek happiness, as per Dalai Lama. Each of us needs to identify his/her own path. Thanks again, AVS for the article.

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