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Once married bachelors’ lessons for everyone’s life: Jai Siyā Rām, Rāghavendra Swāmi & PM Modi!

Image Courtesy: Govt. of India 🇮🇳 postal stamps depicting Ramayana

Once married bachelors’ lessons for everyone’s life: Jai Siyā Rām, Rāghavendra Swāmi & PM Modi!

Rāmā to Rāghavendrā to Narendra to PM;
Ayodhyā to Mantrālaya to Vādnagar to Indraprastha;
Sarayū to Tungabhadrā to Sābarmati to Yamunā!

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14 min Read (1156 Words)
Let’s explore today how to learn & imbibe from all the seemingly-symbolic events/anniversaries happening around us everyday, instead of merely letting them slip into the pages of history & calendars! Notice that the title of this article is singular about “everyone’s life,” & not plural on “everyone’s lives,” for we ought to realise that it’s just one life both within & around us, whether we’ve built up our tools to perceive that yet or not. That knowledge alone is the key to resolving issues, if any.

Wish you all a 🌟 darkness-dispelling 💡 wise Thurs-day <Gu-ru-vāra>. On the occasion of, or rather yet another golden opportunity for, a prosperous 💰 sublimation 🔥 of our own 😋 sensual passion <Sri Rāgha-va-indrā Sva-amī Punya-dinā> yesterday, the earth 🌏 <bhū> ♻️ re-generation <pū-ja> performed at the 🛡 invincible <A-yodhyā> root of human civilisation is way more significant than what meets the physical eyes 👀 & ears👂. It isn’t mere symbolism.

Performing the earth 🌏 regeneration ♻️ on behalf of 1.381+ billion people (17.7% of 🗺 population & all of their recognised/unrecognised life support systems in global ecology) was none other than their own democratically 🗳 re-elected ✌️representative, Sri Narendrabhai Damodardas Modiji. The beauty of the Sanskrit language is such that some 👁 insight 🔬 is derived even by merely 🔎 deciphering the many components of his long name, Srī Nara-indra-bhāi Dāma-udar-dās Modi-ji, etymologically. Here’s yours truly’s superficial attempt:

The servant <dās>, sibling <bhāi> & enabler <indrā> of unexceptionally everyone’s <nara> prosperous <srī> ascension <udar> to their rightfully-deserved status <dāma> by progressively bending 🔨 & breaking 🪓 <modi> many outdated, counter-productive, colonial & divisive rules, via established democratic 🗳 processes, within the constitutional 📖 framework, judicial 👩‍⚖️ means & an undying resolve <sankalpa> to execute, effectively utilising the flexibility purposely granted by our visionary founding fathers of Bhārat 🇮🇳 & her constitution 📖 to keep up with the evolving needs of the times we live in.

This is the true essence of the name & form of Srī Nara-indra-bhai Dama-udar-das Modi-ji. I can vouch 🌬 for this 🗣interpretation having personally 🙏 interacted with & hosted this rare but true human being a couple of times at my Atlanta 🇺🇸 home 🏡 23 years ago, when he was hardly known to most people.  This twice-in-a-lifetime opportunity was thanks to my being the then Regional Coordinator (Southeast USA) of Hindu Students Council. At that time, Modiji was newly in BJP ranks but a veteran RSS kāryakartā.

Once at my home 🏡 Modiji happened to spot a pager 📟 on my desk & enquired what it was, as he had apparently never seen 👀 one or even heard about it. He was all ears 👂 as I explained, focusing on every word of mine, never taking his eye 👁 off even to blink. As soon as I had finished explaining within a minute, he began speculating 🤔 for almost an hour on the 👨 social 👩 , 🇺🇸 national 🇮🇳 & 🌍 global 🌎 utility that this simple device 📟 could be put to!

This is just one of many examples of the way he keenly listens 👂 to people, asks relevant questions & then quickly starts making logical 🧠 inferences on better & more widely using the newly acquired information ℹ️ for the overall benefit of humanity & life, in general. The genius 🧠 & intention 💖 of the man was already mind boggling as I 🔬discovered 🔭 a quarter century ago & they’ve evolved further, with the backing of the majority of the classes & masses alike, into the one who the whole world 🗺 witnesses 👁 today: a yug-purush.

That single 📟 pager 🌬 interaction 🗣 with Modiji completely changed my 👀 perception 👁 of how I can utilise even my infinitesimal knowledge in many different realms of life for the benefit of 👦 society 👧, if only I could think 🤔 out of the box 📦 with an ultimate sense of respons-I-bility, while joyfully 😊 & consciously accepting even the challenging present 💝 as it is. Katham itself is one such humble yet inspired offering from me.

It’s unfortunately a normal tendency for societies to ignore 😑 (or even criticise 😠, criminalise 😤 & crucify 😡!) great beings living in flesh & blood 🩸 right amongst & amidst them until after their ⚰️ passing away 💀 from their current mortal coils! It’s as if we 👀 recognise 👁 greatness only after a certain distance 🛸 is established both in 🌌 space & time from their embodiments!!! This isn’t surprising however for our mind doesn’t 👀 recognise 👁 the divinity 🕉 even within ourselves 💓 <kada-vul>, what to speak of 👀 recognising 👁it in ‘others’ living around us!!! So the first 🏫 kindergarten 👶🏻 step is to 🤿 delve deep within ourselves 💓 to decipher our own reality. Then, everything else falls into place almost automatically. Let’s not misuse the privilege & freedom of being human. Instead let’s strive continually to realise the potential of both being human & human being, in one shot!

As we embark upon the 350th year following Srī Rāghavendra Swāmi‘s voluntary entry into a stone structure <mahā-samā-dhī> symbolic of a basil 🌿 <tulsi> forest 🌳<brindā-vanā> with His worshipful root of pleasantness <mūla-rāmā> adorning its terrace, let me conclude with a 3️⃣-shlokā stutī, originally sung 🌬349 years ago this day by his 👨‍🎓 disciple, Appa-anna-ācharya Srī Yogīndra Tērthā:

पूज्याय राघवेंद्राय, सत्यधर्मरताय च।

भजतां कल्पवृक्षाय, नमतां कामधेनवे॥

ಪೂಜ್ಯಾಯ ರಾಘವೇಂದ್ರಾಯ, ಸತ್ಯಧರ್ಮರತಾಯ ಚ |

ಭಜತಾಂ ಕಲ್ಪವೃಕ್ಷಾಯ, ನಮತಾಂ ಕಾಮಧೇನವೇ ||

Pū-jyaaya Rāgha-va-indrāya, satya-dharma-ratāya-cha❗️

Bhajata-am kalpa-vrukshāya namata-am kāma-dhena-ve‼️

The ♻️ re-generative <pū-jyāya> sublimation 🔥 of our own 😋 sensual passion <Rāgha-va-indrā-ya> is the vehicle 🚗 <rathā> of truth <satya> & righteousness <dharma> ❗️I invoke 🙌 it <bhajata-am> 🙏 as the timeless 🤞wish-fulfilling ✌️ tree 🌲 <kalpa-vrikshā-ya> & 🙇‍♂️ surrender 🙇‍♀️ <namata-am> to such a 🤞wish-fulfilling ✌️cow 🐄 <kāma-dhena-ve> 🐮‼️

Dūrva-adi dhwanta-ravaye, vaishnava-indi varen-dave❗️

Sri Ragha-ve-ndra guru-ve, namo atyanta daya-lave‼️

To the darkness of our ignorance <dūrva-adi dhwanta>, you’re a sun 🌞 <rava-ye> & to the devotees of our own everythingness <vaishnava>, you’re the lotus-like moon 🌝 <indi varen-dave>❗️The prosperous 💰 <srī> sublimation 🔥 of our own 😋 sensual passion <Rāgha-va-indrā>, which dispels all our darkness <guru-ve>, I 🙇‍♂️ bow 🙇‍♀️down 🙏 <namo> to such an unlimitedly <aty-anta> 🤰🏻compassionate 🤱 one <dayā-lave>‼️

Mooko-pi yath-prasād-ena, Mukundā Shayana-ayathe❗️

Rāja rājayathe riktho, Raghava-indram tam-āshraye‼️

Even the 🤐 dumb 🤫 <mooko-pi>, thanks to your blessings <yath-prasād-ena>, can speak as eloquently as the giver of freedom <Mukundā>’s bedding <shayanā-yate>, 1--0 <ādi-ananta-seshā> & the same grace <yath-prasād-ena> can also magically create richness <Rāja rājayathe> out of poverty <riktho>❗️ Such a sublimation 🔥 of our own 😋 sensual passion <Rāgha-va-indram>, grant me your refuge <tam-āshraye>‼️   

🕉 Sri Raghavendraya Namaha !!!

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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    Srinivasan A.V

    11th May, 2024 20:19

    A nice read! Your past experience with the present PM Modiji is truly awesome. This praise worthy write up desrves to be posted in PMs social media network.

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    5th September, 2020 10:49

    Awesome 👏👏👏

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    Harur Viswanathan Vijayakumar

    6th August, 2020 19:06

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    Harur Viswanathan Vijayakumar

    6th August, 2020 19:06

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    Harur Viswanathan Vijayakumar

    6th August, 2020 19:06

    Very interesting to listen 🎶 as well as to read the article covering the anecdote on the meeting the visionary human being at Atlanta.

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    shanmugam ps

    22nd December, 2021 02:38

    पूज्याय राघवेंद्राय, सत्यधर्मरताय च। भजतां कल्पवृक्षाय, नमतां कामधेनवे॥ நிழலின் அருமை வெயிலில் உழல்பவனுக்குத்தான் தெரியும். Very well elucidated about Narendrabhai Damodardas Modiji. What a great opportunity you had. You never mentioned that before about your encounter with our beloved PM

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    Pramay Bhatpahri

    2nd October, 2020 22:50

    Wow Sir, Shri Modiji is such a great person. 🙏🏽🙏🏽 It's just so wonderful to know that you two met at some point of time. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽. Happy to know about Shri Modiji from your perspective. 🙏🏽🙏🏽

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    Sai Ram

    6th August, 2020 20:22

    Truly amazing Sir. Our beloved Modiji is truly a great personality and doing selfless service and indeed we are all very fortunate to have him as our PM. Congratulations again for the beautiful write-up which we thoroughly relished and appreciated. Thanks & Kind Regards, Mani

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    Ajay Kumar Tamrakar

    8th December, 2022 08:39

    Extremely happy to know about 23 years ago meeting of professor Dinesh Sir with our PM. I also got an opportunity to see him not directly but through video conference during Rail Shivir where ideas were discussed around 2 years ago. I was really inspired and motivated by his speech and the way he thinks. Our PM is really amazing.🙏

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    Ganesh S

    6th August, 2020 21:44


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    viv bab

    28th June, 2023 12:22

    Delighted to read about your interaction with PM and learned the meaning of Root words of PM's name in your articulation!!!

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    Priya V Kumar

    22nd August, 2020 17:33

    Sri Raghavendra swamy as a scholar,theologian and saint was born in Bhuvanagiri near Chidambaram. He is regarded as a saint known for preaching the worship of Lord Vishnu regardless of caste or creed.His life wss spent in worship of God and service of humanity. The peetam of Sri Ragavendra,the Brndavan at Hampi wss constructed under his own supervision. Guru Ragavendra entered Brindavana on a guruvara and hence Thursday became sacred for his worship. Poojaaya Raghavendraiah. Satyadharma Rathayacha Bhajatam Kalpavrukshaiah Namatham Kamadhenuve.

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    Asha Raghavan

    5th September, 2020 10:04

    Modiji is a god sent torch bearer to this country.. his name analysis is is logical and undeniable! some belittle his actions...calling yesterday's bhumi pujan ' a shameful day' how shameful it is to say so!

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    Kunal Bavikar

    7th August, 2020 12:19

    Very well written sir! Loved reading it!

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    Kunal Bavikar

    7th August, 2020 12:19

    Very well written sir! Loved reading it!

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    sankya shanmugam

    26th December, 2020 10:17

    I already know bout ur interaction with our PM much before he became actively involved in politics,I was just thinking maybe modiji was just appalled by ur sheer brilliance ,he would have definitely wanted you to enter politics or even help him as a advisor :)

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    sankya shanmugam

    26th December, 2020 10:17

    I already knew about ur interaction with our PM,much before he became actively involved in politics,but I realised mayb modiji was just stunned by ur sheer brilliance,he would have definitely wanted you to enter politics or even help him as an advisor:)

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    Dilip Kumar Soni

    8th August, 2020 11:20

    पी एम सर के साथ प्रोफेसर सर की मुलाकात दो दशक से अधिक समय की हैं ,वास्तव में गौरव की बात हैं हमारे लिये , देश के उज्ज्वल भविष्य के लिए ज य ज य ज य हो।

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    Dilip Kumar Soni

    8th August, 2020 11:20

    पी एम सर के साथ प्रोफेसर सर की मुलाकात दो दशक से अधिक समय की हैं ,वास्तव में गौरव की बात हैं हमारे लिये , देश के उज्ज्वल भविष्य के लिए ज य ज य ज य हो।

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