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Unlimited power of sound when ordered, consecrated & repeated!

Image Courtesy: Kaushal Kurapati, my IITM BTech classmate’s artistic rendering inspired by a book cover (Gāyatrī raising the Kundalini!)

Unlimited power of sound when ordered, consecrated & repeated!

Rig upakarmā, Gāyatrī pratipat, 3rd MangalaGowri Vratam & Hubbali Siddārūdara punyadinā

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13 min Read (1055 Words)
As always in sync with the reverberations of the day, we shall explore just the tip of the iceberg today in terms of the relevance of the dērgha Gāyatrī japā.


Most of us are aware of how responsive 😳we’re when our given names 🆔 are called out 🗣 as opposed to our reactions to any other 🔈sound, some of which we may even ignore despite their 📢high 📶 volume 🔊. Essentially, the association of name with form takes place with ♻️ repetition. The 🤰🏻mother 🤱 of all languages, Sanskrit goes a step further in minimising 🔽 the error involved in unifying the vibrational 💓 characteristics of a sound & the form that it refers to.

Unsullied by human intervention, the cosmic 🌌 sounds 🌬of creation, referred to as the Vedic lingo, is the ultimate in the sense that it involves 3️⃣ levels of intonations embellishing the basic sounds of Sanskrit, Sāma-veda being the pinnacle 🏔. Yes, most people aren’t aware of this subtle yet significant distinction between the Vedic lingo & Sanskrit as we know it today.

In fact, the swarās 🎼 are so important ✳️ that the Vedas can sometimes even do without the words, but never without the swarās 🎵. The Kānchi paramāchāryā used to demonstrate this beautifully with the substitution of alternate words into any given set of Vedic 🎶 swarās, without altering the purport of the chant 🗣 even a wee bit.

These intonations 🎼 are the ones which take us beyond mere intellectual meanings to intelligent & intuitive realisation. While the intellect 🧠 is in the realm of the individual, the intelligence & intuition are in the realm of the universal 🌌. In other words, while each of us have a distinctly separate intellect 🧠, there’s one ☝️ & only one ☝️ intelligence that we all tap🚰 into, accessing finite bits & bytes of the source, leaving it eternally omniscient.

Hence, these Vedic sounds are not merely heard 👂 but rather seen with the metaphorical third eye 👁 of intuition, in the deepest states of 🧘‍♀️ meditation 🧘🏽‍♂️, accessing the universal & equanimous intelligence <samā-dhī>. One such ancient seer of Rig-Vedic times was the king 🤴 turned Maha-rshi Visvāmitrā, who witnessed what’s now known as the third mandalā of this oldest 📖 scripture of the world 🌏 or rather the time-immemorial 🗣 oral 🌬tradition of humanity.

A very large number of the Rig-vedic mantras are set to the metre of Gāyatrī & the Gāyatrī mantrā itself is the most significant amongst them, occurring at 3.62.10. While a large number of books 📚 & discourses 🗣expound the meaning of the Gāyatrī mantrā, it’s most effectively an unfailing & secular tool to 🏎 accelerate 🦍 human 🧘‍♀️ evolution. Propulsion 🚀 here’s through the 7️⃣ planes of existence <lokās> or rather perception <lochanās> from the grossest material world <bhū> seen 👀 at the mūlādhāra chakrā to the subtlest real world <satyam> recognised at & above the sahasrāra chakrā. Hence, these planes aren’t geographical 🗺but 🦍 anthropomorphic 🧘‍♀️🧘🏽‍♂️. As a corollary, the propulsion 🚀 is not from one place or location to another but from one state of evolution or perception to another:

 Subtle node/ChakrāPerceptive plane / Lōkā / InhalationExpressive plane / Lōkā / Exhalation
7sahasrārareal <🕉’satyam>love/water 💧 <🕉āpo>



austere <🕉tapa:>wisdom/light 🪔 <jyoti>
5vishuddhihumane divinity <🕉jana:>essence of immortality <raso-(a)mritam>
4anāhatasaintly <🕉maha:>creativity <brahma>
3manipūraheavenly <🕉’sva:>geo <🕉bhū:>
2svādhishthānaastral <🕉bhuva:>astral <🕉bhuva:>
1mūlādhārageo <🕉bhū:>heavenly <sva:🕉>

In addition, there are 7️⃣ inferior planes of 🐷 animalistic 🐗existence/perception below the mūlādhāra chakrā which unfortunately many hyper-sensual & accidentally living 🦍‘people’ 🦧 are still traversing in their evolution, lacking in awareness/perception:

-1. a-tala

-2. vi-tala

-3. su-tala

-4. rasā-tala

-5. talā-tala

-6. mahā-tala

-7. pā-tāla

Assuming a prerequisite of a 🧘‍♀️ sādhak 🧘🏽‍♂️ having already transcended the 7️⃣ lower compulsive chakrās, the Gāyatrī mantrā begins by naming only the 7️⃣ higher states of perception in an ascending order. This is followed by a metre <chandas>, also called Gāyatrī, associated with a 5️⃣-faced divine embodiment, would you believe it, also called Gāyatrī, going beyond all the 3️⃣ gunās, represented by Kālī <tamas>, Lakshmi <rajas> & Saraswati <sattva>. So Gāyatrī transcends even the lofty morals & ethics, which are mortal & epic too‼️Such metre & mantrā involve 3️⃣ lines (tri-kālās or triple periods [dawn 🌄, noon 🕛 & dusk 🌅 or more appropriately past, present & future!] to realise <vid-mahe>, meditate  <dhī-mahi> & propel <pracodayāt>) of 8️⃣ syllables each, totalling 2️⃣4️⃣ syllables, corresponding to the 24 hours in a day, which have been expanded into 24,000 stanzas of the historical epic Rām-āyana by the world’s first poet, Vālmiki, most relevant in the context of tomorrow’s bhoomi poojan to restore the spirit of India to Bharat 🇮🇳 after half a millennium of struggle, comparable only to that of Ram’s own calamitous 🌊 yet equipoised life.

Let’s engage in the longer version of the Gāyatrī mantrā for prānāyama from Taittiriya-aranyaka 10.35.1 of Krsna Yajur Veda, also known as Mahā-nār-āyana-upanishad as explained in the very heart of the chanter <Gāyatrī Hridayam>, a conversation between the great sacrificial seer within us <Yajña-valkya Maha-Rshi> & our own creativity <Brahma>. Not just today, but throughout life, let’s continually be conscious of our life-breath <prānā> & its synchrony or rather symphony with the self-safeguarding Gāyatrī mantrā, with long & deep alternate nostril👃 breathing <anulōma-vilōma prānā-yama>, interspersed withretention <kumbhaka> & vacuum <shunyaka, focusing on the mulādhāra chakrā, while reciting Ganesha Gāyatri>, leading to a realisation of our oneness with the whole. 

Do click on the two links below to welcome 🙏 Gāyatrī & seat 💺 her closer to you than to yourself!!! Also listen to these chants as well as a ghanapatah recitation of Gāyatrī mantrā in the author’s voice using the player at the beginning of this article.

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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    Sreeja Shiju

    5th August, 2020 00:17

    Really awesome article on "the dimensions of sound"👍🏻. The way in which the Mantra was recited is really great🙏🏻.

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    Asha Raghavan

    5th September, 2020 10:04

    Let the divine light and energy splash to d most remote corner of this universe. Today is Bhoomi Pujan for Ram Mandir..It is a beginning of a new era and blessed are we to witness virtually this once in a life time event .

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    Srinivasan A.V

    11th May, 2024 20:19

    Another fantastic narration. This time about Gayatri mantra that resonates with the positive vibrations. These mantras when chanted recharge the atmosphere. In such space, meditation becomes more tranquil. Great post.

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    5th September, 2020 10:49

    Highly informative and superb narration. Loved it♥️

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    Amit Singh

    5th August, 2020 07:30

    Highly spiritual and rejuvenating to read about the power of sound. Keep enlightening us, Sir.

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    Jaggi Valli

    5th August, 2020 07:57

    Came to know so much about Gayathri mantra.Thank you so much Dinesh. All these days I used to just chant the mantra. In Puttaparthi ,Sai ashram they have proved there is much change in brain, chanting many times of Gayathri mantra. Lot of improvement in children scoring marks in their exams

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    A K Sharma

    4th June, 2021 08:04

    What a beautiful explanation to all powerful Gayatri Mantra. It's relationship with Chakra system gives an entirely new dimension. Thank you for giving this heavenly start of the day, particularly this historic one. Naman!

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    6th August, 2020 18:04

    Explained very thoroughly Guru ji🙏, Very interesting and informative!!

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    sankya shanmugam

    26th December, 2020 10:17

    As a otolaryngologist I know how important is speech discrimination and sense of sound, phonetics et al ,words fail at marvel of ear anatomy itself,it's so intricate that even AI failed to replicate ! Plus if u don't have "hearing" u don't develop speech and language skills ! So it's that important to" hear" no evil,"speak no evil

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    viv bab

    28th June, 2023 12:22

    Thank you for this article with beautiful explanations about Gayatri Mantra. Sanskrit vibrations are truly addictive and purifying!!!

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    Priya V Kumar

    22nd August, 2020 17:33

    The Gayathri mantra is one of the most powerful mantras, is very well chanted which was quite absorbing and spiritually captivating. Regular chanting of this mantra one can firmly establish and stabilise the mind.May Godess enlighten our intellect. Unfailingly I recite this mantra on my every day pooja.

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    Kunal Bavikar

    7th August, 2020 12:19

    Very well written sir! Loved reading it!

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