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Celebrating our own step-brothers bearing our everythingness...

Image Courtesy: Jegeema. My mother Vasanthima re-consecrating Nāgas installed by her mother!

Celebrating our own step-brothers bearing our everythingness...

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6 min Read (475 Words)
... or rather, the step-cousins of our own passionate aggression & deadening inertia .


Celebrating our own step-brothers bearing our everythingness… or rather, the step-cousins of our own passionate aggression <rajas/devas> & deadening inertia <tamas/asuras>.

Yes, be it 🧜devas 🧚‍♀️ & 🧟‍♀️ asuras 🧟‍♂️, on the one hand, or eagles 🦅 & snakes 🐍, on the other hand, & in fact every living, endangered & extinct species, on this 🌏 & other realms of existence around the universe 🌌, they’re all descendants of the one towering personality after whom the ancient yet new union territory of Kashmir has been named, Kashyapa Maharshi, one of the seven great seers <Sapta-rshis>, disciples of the very first yogi, who disseminated the eternal way of life across the oceans 🌊 to the seven continents. Through this metaphor of step-cousins, we’re reminded time & again that all life forms are indeed deeply related & any harm to any of them amounts to outright canibalism, whether we prefer to perceive it that way or not! This carry over of animalistic tendencies is proven today by genetic 🧬 studies of Western science as well, for the Macaulay-putras who still need such White-coloured authentication.

It’s our serpentine 🐍 & eagling 🦅 fifth 5️⃣<Nāga-Garuda Panchami> on this year’s first flowing 🌊 Saturday <Srāvana Shanivara>, most dear to our own 💤 hibernating 🛏everythingness .


Yesterday was my father’s 80th birth anniversary & on one such Srāvana Shanivara last year, he passed away most peacefully, while sitting at home in nitya pradosha kaala, so dear to our nothingness. The vacuum of nothing is palpable indeed & source of creativity as all black holes 🕳 are!

🕉 Sri Garudāya 🦅 namaha!

🕉 Sri Nāgarājāya 🦅 namaha!

Use the play button on top of this screen to listen 👂 to my rendition of short invocations to

  1. our own everythingness carried by the primordial snake, ādi-ananta-seshā ( 1️⃣ - - 0️⃣ )  as well as the largest & most famous eagle, Garudā 🦅 whose very wings flutter to create all of the Vedas, which resonate with Him at all times; & of course
  2. Nāgarājā 🐍, in his manifestations as the southern & northern lunar nodes <Rāhu & Ketu>, as an integral yet material-free part of our own nine consumers <nava-grahas>; as well as
  3. our own nothingness who wears as a garland or necklace the very powerful snake Vāsuki used for churning <mantana or manana> our mind by our rajasik & tamasik gunas, in their search for immortality <a-mrita>, which essentially means de-identification from our robotic 🤖 toolset 🧰, in general, & our body, in particular.


The above renditions follow immediately after the discourse in the audio file, access to which is right below the naga picture above. So listen on... as sounds are far more effective than readings. JaiHind 🇮🇳 folks.

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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    Ajay Kumar Tamrakar

    8th December, 2022 08:39

    The post reminds me my childhood. Naga panchami is celebrated in my hometown with keen interests. People decorate doors with mehndi colors. Today marks beginning of two week festive celebrations upto Krishna janmashtami.

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    Keshava Kumar

    25th July, 2020 15:25

    Nagara Panchami subhashyagalu. Let the kundalini serpent of yours impart more energy to guide and lead us.????

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    Raghu D

    16th August, 2020 17:31

    Thank you for the very Vivid/modern interpretation of Naga-Garuda Panchami sir.......but i am still smiling on hearing the term "Macaulay-putras"...wondering where i fit in??......:)

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    venkata rama sateesh kandula

    27th April, 2021 21:55

    Thank you sir for your wonderful narrative stressing the importance of these events and their relavence to the current times.

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    Rammohan Bhanumurthy

    4th August, 2020 12:52

    An excellent initiative Sir. A right time to bring spirituality & helping several people to understand things in a right manner from the ancient scriptures. ???

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    Rammohan Bhanumurthy

    4th August, 2020 12:52

    Sir, further to my earlier comments you can add significance of Ghati Subramanya/ Kukke Subramanya

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    viv bab

    28th June, 2023 12:22

    Nice interpretations Sir. Hindu a religion of festivals. Nāga-Garuda Panchami!!! "Narayanaya Tubhyam Namami Sri Laxmikantham Tubhyam Namami".

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    Pramay Bhatpahri

    2nd October, 2020 22:50

    Very beautifully explained Sir. ? All life forms are deeply related to each other and it's high time people should accept this and be kind to all. Keep blessing us with your nice interpretations. Thankyou Sir.???

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    Vinaykumar B

    25th July, 2020 19:52

    An excellent initiative Sir, Thank you..

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    Siddhi Bhatnagar

    10th August, 2020 11:53

    Dear sir I feel privileged to find a person like you in this lifetime, since childhood I was seeking the answers to certain religious practices, ( I was born and brought up in Aryasamaji family )I had no idea of this beautiful logic and science behind ou

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    Priya V Kumar

    22nd August, 2020 17:33

    The divine celebration of Nagarspanchami is for the victory of Lord Krishna over the monstrous black serpent ? Kalia and at the end Sri.Krishna emerged ? winner stood on the hood of the snake.On seeing the foot prints of Sri Krishna the avatar of Lord Vishnu ,Garuda though a natural enemy of serpent, does not harm it. Garuda the divine Eagle is the vahana of Lord Vishnu.The festival of Garuda panchami is celebrated on the 5th day of waxing moon ? phase( Shukla paksha in Shravana masa)in honor of devotion of Garuda towards his mother ?. Om thath purushaia vidhmahe . Swarna pakshaya dheemahe Thanno Garuda prachodayat

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    Srinivas K V

    26th July, 2020 22:05

    Very inspirational sir. It’s a first Festival celebrated after Ashaada Maasa. Had good thambittu and chigali ??

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