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āḍi 18 & ṛg upa-karmā

Image Courtesy: Author✍️@Jeju🏝Island, South🇰🇷Korea

āḍi 18 & ṛg upa-karmā

Soaking in the wisdom of our universal motherliness

4 min Read (328 Words)
padi-n-éṭṭām pérukku (āḍi 1️⃣8️⃣) 2022 coincides with the flowing śrāvaṇa🏞śuddha6️⃣ṣaṣṭhī.

May we at least💦soak🛁 & ⛲️drench🛀if not drown🌊our BMIs (=Body👤+Mind🫀+Intellect🧠, 🥉tools🛠🪛 at our disposal, albeit🤞💸temporarily👻: birth🤰🏻to death🪦) today in the rare coincidence of…

  1. the🌒lunar🎑calendar-based📚g upa-karmā in the flowing śrāvaṇa🏞śuddha6️⃣ṣaṣṭhī; &
  2. the🌞solar🗓calendar-based padin-ettām perukku (āḍi 18) on the 18th day of🌞ourSelf’s🌦transit in our Cancerian🦀motherliness♋️,

…thus🙏honouring🙇🏻‍♀️the most dominant element of all life, 💦water💧!

The r̥g upa-karmā today commemorates our own👩‍🎓graduation👨‍🎓to deepen our foremost Self-praiseworthy <r̥g> inner realms of🎓learning <vēdās>, by responsibly/consciously getting up close <upa-> with the short- & long-term repercussions & consequences of our own habitual/accidental/unaware/irresponsible actions💪/speeches🗣/thoughts🗯 <-karmā>.

On the occasion of padi-n-éṭṭām pérukku (āḍi1️⃣8️⃣, celebrated grandly, especially in TN🇮🇳dēvi🔱temples), it’s timeto🎊cherish🎉the most prevalent constituent <bhūtā> of all life, water💦, through the water-based🚿rituals of r̥g-véda upa-karmā, renewing♻️our sacred🕉thread🧵symbolising our triple “respons-I-bilities” towards ourselves, our ancestors (incl. animal & plant life from which we’ve evolved!) & global 🌐society, 👩‍🎓graduating👨‍🎓in truly holistic🎓knowledge.

It isn’t a mere coincidence that, be it👨human👩, Earth🌏, 🦒animal🦔or🌳plant🌱 , nearly three-fourths of all biological🧬systems are physically & chemically🧪constituted by H2O💧! Let’s🧘‍♀️meditate🧘🏽‍♂️on this basic life-sustaining element radiating from the 2nd subtle node of ourSelf-establishment (sva-adhiṣṭhāna/sacral nature) as the formless ultimate with a form (su-brahman-yā) on the occasion of 6️⃣ṣaṣṭhī✡️, just below & behind the navel within the spinal cord, the seat of our own gut-wrenching wisdom, symbolised by Jupiter🟤<guru-guhā, murugā>, which rows 🚣‍♂️ us out of our illusion <māyā> of worldliness to our reality of spirituality.

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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