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Nothing is everything! Everything is nothing!

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Nothing is everything! Everything is nothing!

Mahā-laya launching nava-rātri… once more. Will we leverage it at least this time?

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14 min Read (1175 Words)
‘Anything’ & ‘something’ are mere wishful thinking🧐💭🤔. ‘Thinking,’ in turn, is a politically-correct euphemism. It’s conjured up for one’s habitually-compulsive 🤢cholera🤮! The comma-shaped gram-negative bacillus 🦠 in this case being an unconsciously-mistaken identity !

Thinking was thoughtlessly sanctioned undue significance during revolutions & rebellions against oppressive religions & dictatorial regimes. Anything denied to a society for long soon appears to be their ultimate goal.

Such myopic consideration of tactics as strategy drastically limits that society’s possibilities for growth, stunting their perceived potential, unduly delaying their further evolution. A pertinent case in point here is the thought-starved pre-industrial revolution western society.

So how do we break free from such external shackles & even more intimidating internal shackles of thought & emotion? Be it a society or an individual, a nation or the entire humanity, here’s a time-tested passcode to a great victory over & protection from untimely ‘death’ <mahā-mrityun-jaya man-trā>.

This literally ‘open sesame’ offering diluted in sprinkling water 💦 was first dis-covered by our own luxury-endowing bright clarity <śukra-āchāryā🔘> from our own nothingness <śi-vā>. So, essentially what is meant by ‘victory over death ☠️’ is an experiential realisation that we’re ātmā=brahman beyond the physical body & hence unbounded in space & time… omnipresent & eternal.

Unfortunately, many people don’t know that the frequently-chanted 🕉tryambakam… is just one of a set of four 4 ślōkās, which need to be chanted together for the mantrā to be fully effective. Even more importantly, the svarās should be correctly intonated.

In the video linked here & at the top of this page, I’ve attempted my best to do both along with a unique offering: establishing <nyāsā> the sounds in our cakrās, based on deep meditative experiences that I’ve been blessed & graced with, merely by surrendering the finite intellect to the universal intelligence.

Continuing the now well-recognised USP & tradition of, I’m also presenting the inner yōgic/advaitic interpretations of the full set of ślōkās on the auspicious occasion of mahālaya amāvasyā. However, even such a profound meaning is not as critical as the sound vibrations generated already in the accompanying video’s audio.

ॐ त्र्यं॑बकं यजामहे सुग॒न्धिं पु॑ष्टि॒वर्ध॑नम् । उ॒र्वा॒रु॒कमि॑व॒ बन्ध॑नान्मृ॒त्यो-र्मु॑क्षीय॒ माऽमृता᳚त् ॥

ये ते॑ स॒हस्र॑म॒युतं॒ पाशा॒ मृत्यो॒ मर्त्या॑य॒ हन्त॑वे । तान् य॒ज्ञस्य॑ मा॒यया॒ सर्वा॒नव॑ यजामहे ॥

मृ॒त्यवे॒ स्वाहा॑ मृ॒त्यवे॒ स्वाहा᳚ ॥

ॐ नमो भगवते रुद्राय विष्णवे मृत्यु॑र्मे पा॒हि ॥

🕉 trya̍mbakaṃ yajā-mahē su-gndhiṃ pu̍ṣṭ-vardha̍nam

rvā̠rkami̍v bandha̍nān-mṛtyō̍r-mukṣīy mā'mṛtā̎t

yē tē̍ shasra̍m-yutṃ pāśā̠ mṛtyō̠ martyā̍y hanta̍vē

tān yjñasya̍ mā̠yayā̠ sarvā̠-nava̍ yajāmahē

mṛ̠tyavē̠ svāhā̍ mṛ̠tyavē̠ svāhā̎

🕉namō bhagavatē rudrāya viṣṇavē mṛtyu̍rmē pā̠hi

Yōgic🧘‍♀️ & advaitic 🎟 interpretation ✍️<bhāśyam> of the 🙃mahā-mrityun-jaya☠️🏆mantrā’s🗣4🥇stanzas:

🕉OurSelf’s <AUM> deeply-intuitive & extra-ordinary clarity of perception👀👁<trya̍mbakaṃ> is worth surrendering🙌to as the boss supreme <yajā-mahē>for the temporary🚶‍♀️body-mind💖-intellect🧠(BMI)🧰 toolkit that we’ve been kārmically endowed with in this lifetime, as its trustee, as a result of the unfructified & cumulative past life executions of our own free will.

The BMI🧰toolkit thus relishes👃ourSelf’s self-effacing & sublime fragrance🌷<su-gndhiṃ>, nurturing👨‍🍼<pu̍ṣṭi̠> our holistic💗 growth📈<vardha̍nam> to enhanced levels of multifaceted prosperity.

Analogous to a ripened cucumber🥒, <u̠rvā̠rkami̍va̠>, purely by virtue of its own self-weight🏋️‍♀️& conscious presence in a massive gravitational field, automatically & effortlessly dropping off from the temporary bondage🔏locks🔒<bandha̍nān> & commitments 🔐 with/to its slender creeper stem, let our BMI🧰toolkit’s misidentification due to a plethora of unnecessary kārmic duties/commitments/bondages also quickly fructify & drop off🥀to let our inner Self awaken & recognise that death 🏴‍☠️<mṛtyō̍r> is but life’s mere illusory image/mirage that we’re already 🗝 unlocked🔑<mukṣīya̠>🔓 from, & thus gotten a warm welcome & entrance into ourSelf’s real/true/permanent nature <> of deathlessness <a-'mṛtā̎t>, by re-identifying with true everlasting identity: ourSelf, rather than our BMI🧰toolkit misidentifications (aham-kārā).

All <> the <tē̍> innumerable <shasra̍m> means by which <a̠yut> we confuse our own identity entangle <pāśā̠> ‘us’ into spatially- & temporally-limited <mṛtyō̠> entities, seemingly subjected to a conclusively-fatal <martyā̍ya̠> end <hanta̍vē>.

OurSelf <tān> is then the masterkey🔑to unlock🔓such a deadlock🔒 by surrendering & sacrificing <yjñasya̍> all our illusory identities <mā̠yayā̠> with the BMI🧰toolkit & its various roles, leading to an all <sarvā̠> new <nava̍> kārmic responsibility of being one’s own destiny-charter via free will & thus the boss <yajā> supremo <mahē>, beyond all excuses & blamegames! The only remaining constraints are those caused by the accumulated & as yet unyielding/unfructified implementations of our free will in all past decision-making situations.

Thus, the dreamy😴 illusion of so-called ‘death💀’ <mṛ̠tyavē̠> has been consumed <svāhā̍> merely by our awakening into the reality of who we are. Indeed, ourSelf reconfirms that death ☠️ <mṛ̠tyavē̠> has not only been swallowed but also digested by ourSelf <svāhā̎>, for it belongs to the realm of the physical body which has a beginning & end in space & time; and is thus, temporary or unreal & false. For truth lasts forever!

Be it in the waking🏃‍♀️, dream 😴 or deep sleep 🛌 states of consciousness <🕉=A+U+M> & of course in the primordial state of utterly conscious silence beyond (turiyā) these 3 familiar states, our BMI🧰toolkit recognises nothing belongs to it <na-mō>.

Instead, even the BMI itself is temporarily endowed in the trustworthy trust & praiseworthy process <bhaga-vatē> of life’s harmonic dissolution 👌🏿into dynamic nothingness <rudrāya>, only to be cyclically 🔁 followed by an expansion💥 back into everythingness <viṣṇavē>, rendering death ☠️<mṛtyu̍rmē> self-protective <pā̠hi>.

The proof of the pudding is in eating 🍽it! So, hope you enjoy the video accompanying this spiritual blog on a regular basis for your meditation🧘‍♀️. Just listening keenly while effortlessly observing your cakrās is more than sufficient to instantaneously catapult you many rungs 🪜 up the spiritual ladder, even if you don’t vocally chant along with it fully with intonations or understand its word meanings. Take off 🚀 as I 📝sign off ✍️!!!

🏅FULL🌚ON♨️mahā-mrityun-jaya☠️✌️man-trā🗣with🎼svarās🎶, ☸️cakra-nyāsā🔯 & japā📿: 👵👴🏻pitri pakśa 🌘mahā-laya🦖🦕🦣🦤amāvasyā🌑offering🕊as a special📴off-season👽bonus🛸on KIDS👶🏻💠👼🏻🕉. Making his YouTube🎞debut🎬alongside my mūl-ādhārā⛲️is a cute🥰li’l⭐️terracotta🏺gaNéśā🐘in a🪵wooden🫕bowl🍜… thanks🙏for the🤲🏻handcrafted🙌gift💝! 

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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    Srinivasan A.V

    11th May, 2024 20:19

    What an awesome content to read in this auspecios time on this superlative Mahalya Amavasa day? The cucumber analogy is nice. Thank you Prof for enlightening me on this special period of dawn of this splendid day.

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