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Akhand Bharat 1.0: Mission reclaim Tibet! Every viewpoint or standpoint anoints JOINTS!

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Akhand Bharat 1.0: Mission reclaim Tibet! Every viewpoint or standpoint anoints JOINTS!

14 min Read (1149 Words)

Joints & joint pains of nations & time itself! It’s just my simple ongoing seva to identify & share the dominant Eigenmode(s) of the day with you so that we can all access & effortlessly resonate with these energetic modes! If these possibilities intrigue you, you've arrived at the right place! #SyPforSDHN presents #ResonateWithEigenModeOfTheDay as it continues publishing on LinkedIn... for dozens of previous articles in this series, visit my FB page:

On this World 🌎 Refugee Day, may we all find our own refuge too in the ultimate within ourselves. Coincidentally, today is also the ~900 year-old Jain sthamba arohana (pillar raising) day at Nellikaru basti in Karkala, South Kanara, Karnataka. In the tradition of our Sanatana Dharma, our guest is divine <Athithi devo bhava>, as long as he/she remains truly a dignified guest, & not an inimical intruder!

Bharat🇮🇳, in general, & Karnataka, in particular, have been & continue to be amongst the most refugee-friendly regions on the globe, perhaps having overdone it overtly & covertly in the past, leading to complex repercussions today.

But there’ve also been many refugees in Bharat, such as the vast majority of Zoroastrians fleeing persecution in Iran 🇮🇷 (erstwhile Persia), who’ve non-intrusively added unique beauty to our eternally-diverse & heartily-welcoming rainbow 🌈 culture, unified by unbroken & uninterrupted connectivity to the universal source🌞. That’s why we remain predominantly a healthy salad🥗, rather than fully being drowned in a soup🍲.

While applying the sacred ash <bhasma/vibhuti/thiruneer> to my shoulder joint, elbow joint & wrist joint, among other parts of the body, here’s a “heads-we-win, tails-they-lose” quizlet on joints that I came up with:

  1. Which of the two or more adherends do an adhesive, weld, bolt or rivet belong to?
  2. Does an elbow💪 belong to the humerus🦴 or to the ulna🦴 & radius🦴?
  3. Does a knee🦵 belong to the femur🦴 or to the tibia🦴?

Talking about tibia🦴, Tibet, geographically-juxtaposed, civilizationally-cradled & culturally-nestled between the two political & demographic giants of Asia, spiritually belongs to Bharat 🇮🇳, who (sic: note, I’m not using ‘which,’ intentionally!) has not only birthed Tibet’s evolutionary & historical past but has graciously housed & maternally nurtured Tibet’s potential future in the form of over a lakh refugees, including the Dalai Lama, at Dharamshala in Himachal PradeshBylakuppe near Mysuru & 37 more formal settlements, a truth relevant to ponder upon this World Refugee Day.

Common 🇮🇳 Bharat, let’s go get Tibet! The dignified tiger needs to devour its ‘joint’ with the ever-nibbling dragon. It’s the infrastructural fortification of the Bharatiya🇮🇳 side of the LAC in the last six years which has made it possible to discover & stem such 🐀 rodent-like nibbling happening unnoticed for over 60 years of spineless governance. Conveniently, for once, offence is the best defence of Galwan, Doklam, Chushul & Arunachal! Let’s put on the thinking💭 caps🧢 of Chanakya & Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel to invoke their unifying spirit.

Extrapolating this topic of expanding borders, today we’re going to explore the relevance of a small sample of such joints. It’s not just the cartographers🧭, border security forces, mechanical engineers & orthopaedic surgeons who know of a joint’s significance. It’s a boundary condition which is absolutely crucial for all levels of life that we know. Being all-inclusive, despite its mind-boggling diversity, life thrives & survives on connectivity. This creates a beautiful illusion of individuality amidst the truth of universality. And, the ubiquitous formula which makes this possible is the unjustifiably-underrated ‘joint!’

For today, we’ll focus on an example of many significant temporal joints i.e., connectivity in time, discovered by our ancient seers & revalidated in every age, including ours. Everyday, there’re four major changeovers/joints: sunrise🌄, noon🕛, sunset🌅 & midnight🕛. In my personal observation over a period of time, a period of 1.5 hrs (approximated to 2 hrs to allow for preparatory sadhana) prior to each of these changeover times are auspicious for the invocation & propitiation of none other than our own re-creativity🌄, our own sustainability🕛, our own static dissolution🌅 & our own dynamic annihilation🕛.

The first of these periods is well-known as Brahma-muhurta🌄, while I’ve had the audacity to term the other three as Vishnu-muhurta🕛, Shiva-muhurta (Nitya Pradosham🌅) & Kalika-Durga-muhurta🕛, respectively, for obvious reasons. It’s thus not for nothing that these are called as san-dhya kalams (time slots great for dhya-namor meditation, & as a corollary, inauspicious for mundane activities). No wonder then that they’re dedicated to the daily sadhana of san-dhya vandanam & fire rituals <agni karya>. Do experiment with it yourself for a few days focusing on your creativity before sunrise🌄, sustainability before noon🕛, static dissolution before sunset 🌅 & dynamic annihilation before midnight🕛 & let me know about your subjective experiences.

The simple example we discussed above involved muhurtas during the natural transitions/changeovers/joints within a diurnal cycle, involving the earth🌍 going around itself. Similarly, for the monthly cycle, involving the moon🌒 going around the earth🌏, we’ve already discussed in a past post, the two major temporal transitions between the waxing & waning phases, namely amavasya & pournami. In yet another past post, we discussed the six seasonal <ritu> transitions in the annual cycle, involving the earth🌎 going around the sun☀️. The commonality that you might have observed in all these three examples is the cyclic nature of everything that’s physical, thus allowing us multi-scale time measurements of a day, month & year, respectively, with further divisions.

Knowingly or unknowingly, the ultimate goal of all seeking & in fact life itself is to escape the seemingly never-ending cycle of births & deaths 💀 into freedom <mukti/moksha>. Thus, to go beyond the cyclic nature of our existence, we’ve to unravel ourselves beyond our apparent physical boundaries, essentially transcending time <kaal> itself.

More on this fascinating subject of changeovers/joints not only in time/kaala, such as paksha pradosham & kalpa/pralaya pradosham etc., but also within ourselves in the form of chakras, as we tread along.

Whether it’s the World Refugee Day or not, even when we eradicate the terrible causes for human beings to turn into refugees either in other countries or shockingly in their own country, like the unimaginably-brutalised Kashmiri Pundits, who suffered a pogrom putting even the Jewish Holocaust to shame, the need for everyone of us to take refuge in or wholeheartedly surrender <Sarana-gati> to the Great Time <Mahaa-Kaala> will remain. This is also another profound subject by itself, for exposition later.

Mahaakaala namo namaha,

mahaakala sharanam mamah!

Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa!

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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