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The myth of mythology... with an assignment!

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The myth of mythology... with an assignment!

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16 min Read (1337 Words)

As Yogini Ekadasi-Dwadasi permeates for Day 2, it’ll be chikka uyyala-utsava (small swing festival) at Melkote. The swing is typically pushed to-and-fro by multiple devotees. Despite such a reliable redundancy in their propelling power or thrust levels, most people unfortunately live life accidentally, adding severe weight penalties to their already burdensome payload of karma from the past.

The few of us that offload non-essential baggage & live life purposefully are indeed lucky , thanks ironically to our own invisible (a-dhrishtta) karma. The karma which has been our own doing can potentially be our own undoing too! But even amongst these few fortunate offloaded/offloading beings, a majority, either being ignorantly unaware or having outrightly ignored or sadly forgotten the passcode for their lifelong complimentary access to the freely available intuitive universal intelligence prajna, need to actually think before they communicate or perform any action. Thought definitely has its place, but when overemphasised, it can become an undiagnosed psychological illness by itself. Hence, such people dedicate & allot far more significance, time & energy to their own thought process than what this BS sincerely deserves! Hence, their thoughts start dictating all their outputs & uploads on to their family, professional or social environments. These outputs could be in the form of action, speech, writing or typing. For me, it’s the other way round, i.e., it’s an inspired communication output which may, at the most & if at all necessary, kindle, trigger or induce a minor & temporary thought process. Hence, my outpourings, especially in these daily posts, remain unsullied by my scanty & rare thought process or even bookish knowledge inputs! It’s straight from the inner heart perfectly reflecting the universal consciousness like an ultra-clean memory-free mirror. Writing ️ for me is thus a joyful outer expression of a thought-free blissful inner inspiration. In this background, it’s so heartwarming to receive a torrent of detailed & pertinent responses from many of my readers to the past posts that they could practically relate to various aspects, that I briefly venture into, in their own lives, as the intent of my posts (which I prefer to call as an offering/tribute, or most aptly arpanam/samarpanam) is to touch at least one heart every time so deeply that it gets inspired into a deeper sadhana of its own choice. That’s why the underlying theme for this series of posts contains the word “personalised:” Sankhya-yoga Personalised for Sanatana Dharma Here & Now (#SyPforSDHN). Thus, as a wise reader, who happens to be a retired school teacher & avid traveler remarked, “there’s no syllabus to be covered here, but only uncovered” for you to be inspired & explore experientially at least one aspect that hits you big time on the face, creating a paradigm shift in your view of life. We’ve sadly assumed our orally-transmitted scriptural treasures as “mythology!” for the “oldies,” when in fact they’re a throbbing & livewire lifeline most suited for the energetic & dynamic youth. For example, most people think “purana” means old, as it’s in Hindi, but its etymological definition “punar nave iti purane” clarifies that it is that which is renewed in its interpretations every moment to suit the present needs. The main reason for the misunderstanding of puranas & itihasas as mythology is the deep encoding that’s done to preserve their pristine core. We only need to enhance our intelligence levels to decode & access them as per our needs every moment. That’ll avoid wastefully ‘reinventing’ the wheel & the fire all over again, & instead putting them to an optimal utility. Let’s take the currently resonating example of the pauranik ‘story’ behind yesterday’s & today’s yogini ekadasi vrata. Superficially, it surely sounds like a silly cock & bull story to most of us dumbwits. It’s just a matter of perception before we recognise that what needs to be actually laughed at is not the ‘fanciful story’ but our own utter stupidity, masked in the garb of imported childish pseudo-scientific attitudes. Once we get the key to decoding & deciphering, we become aware of the screenplay’s phenomenal spiritual basis, scientific truths & practical implications. One no longer needs to be forced, told or even motivated by anyone else to engage in these sadhanas as they’re recognised as the most essential aspects of living, like our very breath! We then voluntarily engage in such sadhanas only to eventually realise that they’re involuntarily going on anyways, again like our breath! The only difference is that we now become fully conscious of the sadhana as well as the breath, instead of engaging in them compulsively! First, let’s read the literal & superficial but strongly-encrypted & encoded pauranik kathaas told to Yudhisthira by Krsna 5,000+ years ago & thanks to the continuity of oral traditions, rewritten by yours truly now: Scene 1: Location: Swarga, the heavens! The ultra-rich demigod of wealth, Kubera, putting to shame anyone listed even in the Forbes list of billionaires at the peak of the boom in global economy, was all set to perform his daily Shiva puja in the dedicated time slot & was awaiting the Amazon Prime-like same-day delivery of fresh flowers & garlands by his gardener, Hem-maali, a yaksha. Scene 2: But the newly married gardener, smitten by untimely urges, was fully engaged with his young big-eyed wife, Vishala-akshi. Scene 3: The auspicious time (muhurta) was quickly passing by & the rich man’s patience was running out. On checking with his guards on surveillance duty, he discovered the reason for the failed delivery of the Amazon package despite this day being in the phase of Unlock 1.0 & regretted not having opted for the Prime advantage of drone delivery. He was of course also outraged at not only the non-delivery of his bouquets but its unusual non-acknowledgement via WhatsApp as well! Summoning the delivery boy , with an all-powerful customer-is-king attitude, Kubera reported Hem-maali to the managers at Amazon & got him fired & banished to ... Scene 4: planet earth , devoid of his six-pack handsomeness & without access to his dear wife Vishalakshi, of course! Even with her big eyes , she couldn’t see him anymore. Little did Kubera realise that what he deemed to be an exile was actually the most awesome paradise to be in, our Mother Earth, flourishing with rishis all over!!! Wandering through the verdant forests , Hem-maali encountered one of them, older than the then creative director Brahma Himself: Markendaya Maharshi! Enquiring about the reasons for his deformed body, loneliness & depressed mind, Markandeya offered a solution, instead of mere solace: He taught Hem-maali the significance of fasting & other practices to be followed on Yogini Ekadasi. Impressed & no longer depressed, Hem-maali fervently carried them all out, only to be restored back by Vishnu Himself to the heavens, reunited with wife Vishalakshi & resumed daily flower delivery to the royalty for Shiva puja. Unless you’re a diehard believer (& btw, most believers today are either dead or endangered as a species!), the intellectual rationalist that you’re, don’t you laugh at this story’s outright silliness, despite it being told by Krsna & retold by yours truly? You ought to, honestly! And now, to unravel the story’s deeper truths (leave alone the deepest yet, which is only to be subjectively realised by the forever meditative & mystic crème de la crème!), recognise the characters of the plot involved in various dimensions of our own daily life. Share your perception on the metaphorical symbolism involved in the above story within your own individual system of body-mind-intellect-breath-spirit & its environment. I’ll get back to you with mine in my next post...

With this appreciation for the relevance to our moment-to-moment life, it doesn’t really matter to us anymore whether that story actually took place historically somewhere sometime. What really matters is that it’s actually happening here & now, whether we’re eligible & ready to perceive it or not!!!

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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    Srinivasan A.V

    11th May, 2024 20:19

    Thanks for another narration; this time about the Myth of Mythology. More often, we get confused between the differences between these two terms. Though they look the same, really they are apart. A Myth features various episodes that seek to explain natural phenomena, thereby offering us some unique perceptions in a more cosmic level. On the other hand, Mythology is termed as a collection of several myths. Your point about Mythologies for Oldies, I fully agree with you. Though, it is not uncommon to see oldies being offered with copies of Gita or Ramayana. In my opinion, it is the youngsters who should get it. Reading Gita or any holy books by senior citizens is good for the repeat readers and not for the first-timers. I suggest your thought-process should focus on this area of lacuna to erase the present lackadaisical approach embraced by today’s youths. Somewhere, we need to teach the formula; Growing old is mandatory, but Growing Up is optional. I am sure most of your followers are youngsters. You can share your views.  Your reference to reading spiritual books, I can simplify: We lose ourselves in books and find ourselves there too. I have thoroughly enjoyed your Scenic description and hope to read more from you.

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