One☝️needs to possess a strong💪enough conviction to propose the following🧐analysis & be brave👏enough to openly face its ramifications & consequences⚠️
Having viewed many of raṇ-vīr‘s podcasts over the last decade, especially the ones featuring🇮🇳patriotic, 🛕religious &/or 🕉️spiritual🌞luminaries in the last 5️⃣ years, I appreciate the unique value addition, which he brings to conscious beginners on the path to Self-discovery, especially through his unassumingly-simple & genuinely-inquisitive queries, shot directly from the heart, followed by non-intrusively patient hearing & reasonably-relevant🧐rejoinders, both on behalf of himself & his presumed audience, predominantly consisting of youthful seekers.
Indeed, it’s heartening to observe that such youthful seekers’ numbers are burgeoning even amidst affluence, relative to their previous few generations, many amongst who had no choice but to fixate on more mundane worldly materialistic matters & issues related to first of all ensuring their own basic survival under mostly malevolent regimes over thirteen centuries since 712CE till May 26th, 2014, but for a brief glimpse of the India🇮🇳Shining🪷oasis in-between.
First things first. Wanton celebrity-bashers must bear in mind: Rarely does one☝️become a hero overnight. Sincere discipline & patient perseverance over a consistent path with trust & involvement in a well-designed dedicated process is essential. To rubbish all of that overnight due to just 1️⃣ irresponsible remark is equally irresponsible of us as a society. While checks & balances are essential in every society for law & order, our multifaceted legal system has already begun addressing the issues involved this morning through nothing less than an honourable SC bench. We’ve to refrain from the herd mentality of bashing anyone who’s successful, just because we think we’ve finally identified a fault in them.
And, this ain’t 🆕. We do need to plead guilty of having done it several times in the past, with the most elevated of our celebrities in each & every field, be it religion, science, politics, business, sports, journalism or entertainment, to name just a few. Most obvious cases in ever-fresh memory are cases of hounding & 🧟♀️witch-hunting🏏cricketing legends with unimaginably-spectacular achievements over age-defyingly long careers going through a temporary lull compared to the unusually high standards set by themselves, or a rough patch in their form.
Lemme paraphrase GE’s ex-honcho, Jack Welch, who's often considered to be amongst the most inspirational leaders of our times. He used to say something to the effect that the higher a🐒monkey goes up a🌴tree🌲, more & more viewers will see more & more of its🟤🟤ass🤪, with some reacting as if they themselves don’t have asses! From the celebrity’s point of view, no doubt, with great power comes great responsibility. Nonetheless, if a highly-capable individual is failing temporarily despite sincere efforts to overcome it, a little bit of patience on the part of non-expert onlookers & common bystanders would be behoving.
It’s, of course, a no-brainer that, even for those who admired raṇ-vīr, the controversial🤨question posed by him to a young participant on a fellow social media content provider’s dark comedy show is💯absolutely🤢disgusting🤮, if taken literally. And that’s the🔑key — one needs to go beyond the merely literal meaning of the uttered🗣️words & delve into the figurative symbolism involved either knowingly/unknowingly, since nothing that occurs/happens in existence, occurs/happens without the permission of Existence itSelf, call it Mother🌬️Nature if you will, or the so-called “God,” if you’re still an old-fashioned endangered believer‼️ Group &/or individual karmā catches 🆙 with one & all sooner/later, irrespective of whether those involved remember/forget the complex⛓️💥chain of causation processes involved.
It’s highly probable that even raṇ-vīr himself is unaware of the profound truth hidden even in his shameless utterance, currently under rampant public scrutiny, let alone multiple media/investigative/judicial probes. Most people may not remember what they really need to remember, but can’t forget his borrowed provocative query “Would you rather watch your parents have s*x every day for the rest of your life, or join in once to stop it forever?”
And, here’s THE ultimate philosophical🧐gem, latently & securely hidden in the seemingly-atrocious contemporary mumbo-jumbo lingo. Let’s set aside for a while what the words “parents” or “s*x” instantaneously trigger as meanings in our heavily-conditioned minds. They’ve various spontaneous connotations, based on the current levels of each of our intellectual, emotional & spiritual evolution.
In reality, these 2️⃣ words, “parents” & “s*x,” represent the very source of our physical body, but not the source of the true Us: ourSelf, which is, in fact, the sourceless source of all of Existence itSelf⚠️ Aesthetically speaking, “s*x” is a phenomenal process of temporarily dissolving our assumed plurality/duality/individuality, thus freezing the finite domain of space-time into a standstill🧜♂️of🕳️nothingness, with creativity as a rare but nevertheless latently-potential collateral outcome, which is indeed the primary reason as to why it’s inspired by nature first of all for our sustained preservation as a species: Homo sapiens.
In this context, just replace “parents have s*x” with its deeper-yet-broader meaning “creative source in action,” while keeping the rest of raṇ-vīr’s question intact & you’ll begin to appreciate its profundity: “Would you rather watch your creative source in action every day for the rest of your life or join in once to stop it forever?”
And no, we aren’t done yet! What does “watch your creative source in action” mean? Even a newbie seeker/sādhak will decipher such non-interfering witnessing of reality in the present moment quite easily to mean “meditate,” but it’s truly speaking just the first baby step of the 3️⃣ major steps in yōgik meditativeness: 🙇focus🧘🏻(dhāranā); 🙇🏻♂️defocus🧘♂️(dhyānā); &🫠dissolve🧘🏻♀️(samā-dhī).
The🥇first (dhāranā) takes us, or rather transforms our dominant nature (guṇa), FROM inactive* (tamas) TO active (rajas); the🥈second (dhyāna) FROM active (rajas) TO proactive (sat-tvā); & finally the🥉third (samā-dhī) FROM proactive (sat-tvā) TO non-active* (tri-guṇā-tītā), or rather transcending all characteristic qualities to🪬cognise👁️our forever-existent truly-metaphysical nature-beyond-nature… yes, words become insufficient & hence prone to ambiguity… best addressed via💯absolutely-silent😶energetic⚡️transmission↔️of blissful vitality‼️ *For example, inactive & non-active might sound ludicrously-superfluous & inseparably-identical in English but are worlds apart in sam̐skr̥t, because the former is lost in the illusory māyā of the playful līlā, while the latter is the pinnacle of effectiveness due to🫠total🫥involvement in a fully-conscious appreciation of the unfolding līlā, without getting entangled & embroiled in its māyā.
Overall, yet in short, it’s a journey of my-self-perception towards ourSelf perception through the subtle body’s 16 ☸️cakrās⚙️FROM the pātāl̥a lōkā at the pair of subtle soles of the subtle feet TO the guru-gāyatri at a couple of subtle feet above the subtle head. Yes 🙌, it’s an evolutionary yātrā or pilgrimage of self-perception FROM infinite♾️plurality (tal̥a-lōka asurā) TO finite duality (bhūḥ-bhuvaḥ-suvaḥ-lōka sura/dēva) TO unified singularity (mahaḥ-janaḥ-tapaḥ lōka manuśya) TO neutralised nullity (satya-matṛ-pitṛ-guru-gāyatri a-lōka para-brahman), empty vacuum or evacuated nothingness or, most appropriately, śi-vā❣️ That’s a⚖️balanced🧠intellect in equilibrium unaffected by opposites, namely “samā-dhī,” the deeper significance of ignorant raṇ-vīr’s “stop🛑it forever⚠️”
Such “samā-dhī,” while remaining embodied as a jīvanmuktā, is possible only by delving inwards within🕉️ourSelf, involuntarily/unconsciously/habitually/compulsively expressed by raṇ-vīr as “join in once!” Indeed a single experiential glimpse of ourSelf is sufficient to liberate & 🆔identify with ourSelf, nay 0️⃣-IN ourSelf, rather than with our currently-misidentified🪪BMI: body-mind-intellect🧰toolkit.
Hence, the inner purport of raṇ-vīr’s unoriginal (yes, at least doubly-plagiarised verbatim re-production — pun intended — from Sammy Walsh & Kanan Gill, who apparently asked the exact same question a decade earlier & remain scotfree⁉️) 🗑️ trash 🚮 when ♻️ recycled or rather 🆙-cycled is “Would you rather meditate on your creative source regularly, or rather be a jīvanmuktā in samādhi?” Or, more simply put, “How long will you remain stuck with mere focus/concentration/dhāranā, the sixth limb of pat-añjal̥i aṣṭāṅga yōgā, rather than graduate to the highest grade of samādhi?”
Obviously not for the above👆ethereal reason, but nonetheless it must be appreciated that at least a few prominent citizens such as dhanañjaya yaśvant abhinav candrachūḍ & vivēk agṅihōtri apart from the usual suspects of course: raftār, bhārti siṅgh, Aly Goni, kaśīś kapūr & akāṅkṣā rañjan kapūr, have come out in open support of raṇ-vīr over the first week of this controversy! Hypocrisy🔀or😧fear😰keeps many other supporters & even followers🔇silent🔕.