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8 navagrahās (all except rāhu) focusing their energies at our ajnā chakrā

Image Courtesy: Author's family album and tree!

8 navagrahās (all except rāhu) focusing their energies at our ajnā chakrā

vallibāi ammāl & purandara-dāsa punya-dinā, thai/ava-rātri/mauni amāvasyā & garuda jayanti today

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7 min Read (532 Words)
Invocations via morning tarpanā & ajñā durgā dhyānā  🕑 to 🕞 PM

The entire day today is a powerful opportunity to meditate 🧘🏻 🧘🏽‍♂️ 🧘‍♀️ on the life energy centred at our subtle pituitary & pineal glands, situated behind & between our eyebrows 👀, & offer 🤌🏾 ancestral libations 💦, thus relieving oneself of a major chunk of the kārmic entanglement 🪢 & yet pursuing life 🌷lotus-like with total involvement💃🏻🕺. Note that a circle ⭕️ of infinite radius can have infinite centers at each of our intuitive third eyes 👀 👁!

In particular, 2:01 🕑 PM to 3:29 🕞 PM today (Thursday, February 11th 2021) or more precisely from 7.5 to 9 hours after 🌅 sunrise 🌄 is most auspicious to invoke/meditate 🧘🏻 🧘🏽‍♂️ 🧘‍♀️  on our own ability to de-fortify & transform challenges <durgā pūjā/dhyānā> with only 2️⃣ out of our 3️⃣ eyes closed & the head tilted slightly & comfortably upwards, sitting in a youthful diamond 💎 pose <vajrā-sanā> & <ādi-mudrā>, as in the emojis 👊✊🤛 but with the thumb enclosed inside the 4️⃣ fingers. 

The Jan-Feb new 🌚 moon <thai/ava-rātri/mauni amāvasyā> by itself is special every year. Making it extra special are 

  1. the birthday of the carrier of our own everythingness <garuda jayanti>, flapping out comprehensive wisdom <vedās> with its every stroke;
  2. the fruit-bearing day <punya-dinā> of our boundless servitude <purandara-dāsa>; 
  3. the punya-dinā of my maternal grandmā 👵 śrī-mati vallibāi ammāl venkatāchalapathy; & 
  4. a very rare phenomena or rather opportunity this year in particular (2021): 

Eight out of the nine influential/diagnostic planetary bodies (all nava-grahās except rāhu) are simultaneously focusing their energies at our powerhouse <shakti-kendrā> of the third eye 👁 <ajnā chakrā> in our microcosm or quantum realm & the  Cancer-Leo <karkātakā-simhā> junction ♋️♌️ in our macrocosm or relativistic realm. Listen to the audio linked above for the author's invocations to durgā, apart from his reading of this spiritual blog.

This is due to a massive party of 6 consumers <grahās> at our microcosmic subtle spinal base station <mūlādhāra chakrā>, macrocosmicly reflected as the southern-most tilt of the ecliptic (makarā/Capricorn ♑️). Currently, 2️⃣ more fiery consumers (Mars & kétu) are aptly in our fiery manipūra spreading out to the idā & pingalā & with their full-powered SPECIAL focuses (4th & 9th, respectively) on the ajñā as well. Readers unfamiliar with the author’s ✍️ deeply meditative & experiential observations on the chakrā-rāśi relationships of our subjective microcosm with the objective macrocosm  may check out the series of 3️⃣ short videos including easy-to-understand animated graphics at
which will help assimilate today’s article even better for our sādhanā.

Please don’t forget to offer water libations <tarpanam> before noon🕛time, expressing gratitude 🙏 to all ancestors of all births, irrespective of your status: age, gender, religion, language, caste, creed, parents being alive or non-availability of any of the few resources required for performing tarpanam. If necessary, you may use the step-by-step guidance, in the other video embedded at the top of this webpage.

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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    Srinivasan A.V

    11th May, 2024 20:19

    A nice read. thanks for sharing such brilliant inputs and your family tree!

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