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upaniṣadik seers maitréyi-yājñavalkya-kātyāyanī kalyāṇam̐

8 min Read (610 Words)
Fri, Feb 23rd, 2024: Happy😊wedding🥰anniversary🎍to🧙🏿‍♂️maha-r̥ṣī👁️yājña-valkya🔥with💪karma-yōgi🥻kātyāyanī🧜🏿‍♀️&🧠jñāna-yōgi🧘🏻‍♀️maitréyi🧐this māgha śukla catur-daśi aśḷēṣa nakṣatrā, on the eve🎑of🌝bharata🌕hunnimé❣️

Rare couple indeed amongst🗣️vēdik📜r̥ṣis🪬responsible for a major portion of the♾️timeless⌛️बृहदारण्यक👣उपनिषद्🟰bṛhad-āraṇyaka🦌upa-niṣad🧎🏻‍♀️‍➡️of📙the🔥yājña-valkya🤍śukla🕊️yajur-vēdā🗣️, which I had the opportunity to discuss with y’all last month in the context of🦧hanumān🦍cālīsā📜caupāī#️⃣7️⃣:

🧙🏿‍♂️vid-yā-vāna👁️: One☝️who’s experientially fulfilled in the wisdom of THE ultimate reality, redeemed by transcending the seemingly-endless kārmik cycles of cause & effect, relating the 2️⃣ concepts of functionality [kārya] & causality [kāraṇa] in a 🔂 repeat 🔁 loop, until all karmā is either exhausted or transforms to the residue-free kriyā of the jīvanmukta. This redemption of what has always belonged to us knowingly/unknowingly involves 3️⃣ steps or stages of learning as per the bṛhad-āraṇyak-ōpa-niṣad, at the core of the ancient, yet forever accelerating juggernaut of enlightenment: bhā-rat-īya śikṣā paddhati: a holistic education system, transforming inside out every facet of who we thought/think we’re to who we truly are, banishing all assumptions enroute. Here’re the 3️⃣ steps which maha-r̥ṣī yājña-valkya so dearly expounded to maitréyī, his wise wife, so that the authority is never the truth. Instead, truth alone is the authority:

  1. Receive knowledge thro’ perception: nirantaraṃ vicāro yaḥ śrutārthasya gurormukhāt | Devoid of prerequisites such as faith/belief, not necessarily trusting the sayings of the endearing seer-sayer, the BMI’s exposure (śravaṇā) to the open-mindedly respected gu-ru tat-tvā via pro-active physical & meta-physical listening👂(śravaṇā), with🧘🏻focus (ēkāgratā) & humbling awareness that yē tō bas śuruāt hai: this is just the first of 3️⃣ steps, & isn’t merely hearing thro’ the ears or other sensory inputs alone, but thro’ an open mind too that’s soaking 🆙 like a sponge 🧽 or pātrā/vessel: internally-cleansed, hollow, empty, vertically-upright & 💯% greedily-stealthy 🥷 enough to only absorb/transmit, aka stealth tech a/c carriers, soaking in or letting go, rather than bouncing back undigested‼️
  2. Reflect/reinforce clarity thro’ contemplation: manana 💭 utilises our intellectual thought process to more clearly understand, appreciate &, most importantly, eradicate even any tinge of leftover scepticism whatsoever, all thro’🗡️cutting-edge🔪reasoning🤔&🧐logic. This internal resolution can achieve far more retention than any external convincing can ever do, however powerful it may be.
  3. Reclaim/redeem/restore/re-establish/assimilate/manifest thro’ immersive deconcentration: meditation: nididhyāsana (निदिध्यासन/ನಿದಿಧ್ಯಾಸನ): tannididhyāsanaṃ proktaṃ taccaikāgryeṇa labhyate || Thus, the final step nidi-dhya-āsana is etymologically the treasured meditative Self-re-establishment to nurture our own long-forgotten/ignored spiritual wealth. This process of return journey brings us back home🏡🟰🕉️to our profoundly-primordial state of absolutely-complete💯knowledge♾️: brahma/para-vidyā, as opposed to a-para-vidyā, which is any other transitory knowledge of the finitude. Knowing just the former, all of the latter is also known implicitly, as expounded in the muṇḍakōpaṇiṣad to śaunakā by aṅgīras of bharadvāja gōtrā, in the lineage of brahmā-atharvā-aṅgir.

The r̥g vēda and sāma vēda mention several lady seers <r̥ṣikās> of vēdik mantrās. 

r̥ṣikās of the r̥g vēda include romāṣa, lōpamudra, apala, kadr̥u, viśvavara, ghōṣa, juhu, vāgambhrini, paulōmi & yāmi

r̥ṣikās mentioned of the sāma vēda include nōdha, akriṣṭabhasha, sikatanivavari & gaupayana

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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