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śrī śrī gāyatri-śaṅkara-rāmānuja jayanti‼️

Image Courtesy: BG-stripped & reimagined collage created by author from open source pics‼️

śrī śrī gāyatri-śaṅkara-rāmānuja jayanti‼️


7 min Read (593 Words)
Dedicated to🌍🌏🌎jagat-guru🚪śrī💝ādi🕳️śaṅ-kara🧲ācāryā

Today (Sun, May 12th, 2024) is amāntaka𐃆vai-śākha🩳māsa🕯️śuddha5️⃣pañcami &🥹ārdrā📿nakṣatrā🌌, heralding🤗lunar🎑calendar🗓️b’days🎊galore🔢: 🗣️gāyatri-śaṅkara-rāmānuja & AoL gurujī śrī💸śrī🌞ravi🕳️śaṅkar to sample a few‼️ Dedicating🤠katham👋🏽dot🪷in’s latest show which premiered y’day: 👼🏼śukarahasyōpaṇiṣad to the categorical🦚reunifier of🕉️sanātana🛕dharmā☸️: the one ☝️ & only  legendarily & primordially <ādi>🕳️auspicious <śaṅ> go-getter <kara>🧲on his 2,533rd b’day, as per kāñci kāmakōṭi pīṭham̐’s collective set of multidisciplinary proofs of his birth on this very lunar day in 509 BCE. 

Transposing forward by a liberally-whopping 1,297 years, European🇪🇺&🔨left-leaning “Indian historians,” who’ve ruled the roost over school📚textbooks for a few centuries, have shrewdly superimposed a rightful descendant of the same lineage, namely abhinava🕳️śaṅ-kara🧲, an 8th century śaṅ-kar-ācāryā, in lieu of the foremost ādi🕳️śaṅ-kara🧲, thus conveniently erasing well over a millennium from the latter’s antiquity⚠️ Why⁉️ Well, just to set forth their own narrative so as to continue peddling the so-called “Lord” Macaulay’s racially-discriminative, nay -destructive, & unfortunately successful attempts at inducing inferiority complex amongst those who were trained to be “white inside” though “brown outside,” they intentionally post-dated ādi śaṅkarā's birth year post-Jesus to promote Western & Middle-Eastern supremacy & hegemony over the East. 

Facilitated by the latest re-unifier of bhārat🪷that’s🇮🇳India, PM mōdījī, 5️⃣ of the oldest śankara maṭhās @ ⬇️śriṅgēri, ⬅️dvārkā, ⬆️badri, ➡️pūri & ↘️kāñci, based on their own well-preserved historical records of their~5*70-pontiff🚪guru🧙🏿‍♂️param̐parā🧑‍🧒lineages, despite over a millennium of nasty🤮multi-pronged🤺invasions, have in 2015 cited an additional scientific evidence: Carbon dating in & around kēralā’s kālaḍi🏞️river proving that it flowed near ādi🕳️śaṅ-kara🧲’s mother’s home🏡approximately 2,500 years ago, exactly as illustrated in his traditional folklore.

Far superior to & longer-lasting than merely many such physical miracles, was ādi🕳️śaṅ-kara🧲breathing & living the 108 vēdāntik upaniṣads, a dozen handpicked principal ones amongst which he thoroughly commented & contemporarily expounded upon in detail, throughout his short but remarkably-exuberant life❣️ So, who better than him to dedicate our not-so-humble offering of “THE crest💎jewel👑crowning glory amongst the upaniṣads,” according to none other than śiva-śaṅkara Himself, or rather nothingness ourSelf⁉️ For those very dialogues & more, check out our hot & fresh episode:

👼🏼śukarahasyōpaṇiṣad:😈Teaserdone (click here to check out that 4-min precursor video too), it’s full🌝show🎪time now,😙whistleblowing🎬THE😉ultimate🙃secret:🕳️śivā🧜‍♂️reveals🔱as part of nothingness'📿mantrōpadēṣam̐ @upanayanam̐ @yajñōpavīta@sacred-threading ceremony of🧎🏿‍➡️śuka🧘🏿muni,🧑‍🧒s/o🗣️vēda📚vyāsā🧙🏿‍♂️, THE🥇primary☝🏼prerequisite👐🏼for🙏🏽any🤲🏽invocation/pūjā🙇🏻‍♀️whatsoever: 1st👀re-cognizing👁️ourSelf🕉️as🝑śivā🝒, via𛱻conformal𛱺mapping𛱸of𛱼our🖐🏽body👤parts i.e., r̥ṣy-ādi-kar-aṅga-nyāsa, even for the😇utmost-elevated🌋advaita⛳️vēdānta🥡sādhanā📖:  THE📙catur-vēda👥👥mahā-vākya🗣️sādhanā🧎🏻‍♂️‍➡️&🧘🏻‍♀️other🏴‍☠️treasures💎such👑as㊓social㈳media🤬expletive😳derivatives💩of🛕védik🔥exclamations❣️


0:00 Audio+Text Abstract

0:41 Photo+Punch Intro

0:58 Part I: upanayanam̐ photoshoot+Karaoke Chant: śukarahasyōpaṇiṣad

10:49 Part II: Practical Demos+Karaoke Chant: śukarahasyōpaṇiṣad

15:15 Part III: Takeaway Summary+Karaoke Chant: śukarahasyōpaṇiṣad

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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