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Wedding💒of āmLā🍈&🌱tuLasi⁉️What the hell❣️

Image Courtesy: Author’s better half!

Wedding💒of āmLā🍈&🌱tuLasi⁉️What the hell❣️

uttāna dvā-daśi

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6 min Read (474 Words)
Many would be familiar with 🍪choco-nutty treats such as the Cadbury Nutties: the tasty chocolate🍫outside is akin to our paurānik lore, while the far-more healthy🥜nuts🌰inside are analogous to the inspirational upaniṣadik essence. Three generations of great seers👀👁: parāśarā, vyāsā & śukā successfully employed renewal stories & attractive ritualistic penances & celebrations as baits 🎣 to take one on a metaphysical inner journey .

Wedding💒of āmḷā🍈& 🌱tuḷasi🍃⁉️Gimme a break❣️Following a fortnightly 42-hour fast 🍽, qualified this time as a specially-educative penance <pra-bōdhini ékā-daśi vratā>, it’s utthāna dvā-daśi from 8:38 AM this auspicious kārtika soma-vārā morning to 9:00 🕘 AM tomorrow before the evening’s extraordinary blemish <pra-dōśā> redemption. [That was for 2021, when the article was written; In 2022, it’s from 6:54PM, Friday, Nov 4th to 5:28AM, Saturday, Nov 5th in namma béṅgaḷūrū, with slight variations elsewhere.]

As winter sets in, physical & emotional immunity needs to be addressed, since precaution is better than cure, at least in ayurvēdā, if not allopathy. In this context, one of the most naturally-potent immunity-boosting combos: goose-berries🍈<āmḷā/nelli-kāi> along with the leaves🍃of holy basil🌿<tuḷasi> from our own social forest🌳<vrindā-vanā> of societal traditions, culture & heritage takes the pride of place.

Our discriminative <vivékā> & dispassionate <vairāgyā> faculties, jointly symbolized by a lotus <padmā> are renewed in the padma purāṇā. As per this sugar-coated philosophical legend, our omnipresence <viṣṇū>, purposefully 🎭disguises🥸itself as our inertial/lethargic quality <tāmasik guṇā>, in general, & misplaced listening skills <🐚śaṇkha-chuḍā🦻>, in particular, thanks to indulgence in social media.

As per evolutionary (or rather devolutionary!) theory, 🐚śaṇkha-chuḍā🦻 is a degenerative form of our own nothingness🕳️<śi-vā>. In fact, it’s better known by its pseudonym of being mis-identified with our watery💦natured mind <jal-andhara>, rather than the soulful ātmā, which ourSelf is in reality. Such a tāmasik nature’s 🎊partying/socialising energy <vrindā> of ours is thus seduced by our sustainable omnipresence <viṣṇū>.

Such an intimate interplay <līlā> of unusually blinding love💗between different aspects of ourSelf leads to a metaphorically-detoxifying sweat😅 (yep, you got me right… it’s sweat & not sweet), which in our sugar-coated metaphysics is represented by a purifying nymph & the sacred🌱holy basil plant🪴🍃🌿<tuḷasi>.  While that’s the bride👰‍♀️, the bridegroom🤵‍♂️is our disguised 🥸 omnipresence, allegorised by a goose-berry🍈<āmḷā/nelli-kāi> tree🌲. May we enjoy their nuptial union internally to sustain our own internal as well as external holistic wellbeing.

About The Author

A PhD from Georgia Tech, ranked world no. 1 in aerospace engineering, ME from IISc, consistently ranked no. 1 university in India & BTech from IIT-Madras, ranked no. 1 engineering college in India, all in aerospace engineering as a top ranker, Prof. Harursampath heads NMCAD Lab at Dept. of Aerospace Engg. in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.

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    Vindhya Sathya Singh

    17th November, 2021 00:00

    Thankyou for sharing your insights on the world with all of us.Love the postings

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    viv bab

    28th June, 2023 12:22


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